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Author's Note: I PASSED MY CLASSES AND GOT A NEW COMPUTER WOO HOO! Anyways, this part is long due but it's here! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. xxx, M.

May 7. NYC.

*Harry's POV*

I turned over in bed, taking comfort in my bedsheets as I felt my head pounding again. I forced my eyes to peek open, looking at the clock near my bed.

2:12 pm.

I shut my eyes, remembering my last memory. I was leaving a club at six this morning. I knew Jeff and Kendall were there. I didn't know who else. I remembered hanging out with Alexa after the gala and Mark. Everything else was a blur to me.

I opened my eyes again and slowly sat up in bed. I reached over for my phone on the bedside table. I pressed the side button, opening it. I stood up from bed, going to the bathroom.

I opened the bathroom cabinets looking for Advil, which I did. I took the bottle and closed the cabinet. Before I could open the bottle, I heard several notifications on my phone go off. I set the bottle on the edge of the sink. I walked back to my bed, grabbing my phone. I looked at it.


Are you awake?


1 missed call


3 Attachments.

I entered my passcode, opening my phone. I went to my messages, seeing I had 15. I tapped on Harry's. He sent pictures. I pressed on the bottom picture. It was of Alessandro and me. I swiped right for another picture. It was Y/N and I in the picture from last night. I must have been too drunk to remember Harry taking a picture of us. I didn't remember if she came to the after party either. I went back to my list of messages. I scrolled down to see Y/N was the first one to message me. She sent a photo. I tapped on her message.

Hey H! I guess you are sleeping through your hangover now but wanted to tell you I couldn't come to the afterparty. I was busy last night beating Ali's ass in air hockey while celebrating with McDonalds. Good luck on trying to get over ya hangover. Byeeee

I smiled at her text. I tapped on the photo underneath the text. It was her laying on the air hockey table. She was drinking a milkshake while doing a peace sign with her fingers. I exited the photo. She sent it at 9:48 this morning. She was already up.

I pressed on her name, my phone giving me options to call or FaceTime. I pressed call. I held my phone to my ear. I laid back, hearing the phone ring a few times until she picked up.

"And good afternoon to you!" Y/N said in a cheerful voice. "How's your hangover?"

"It's killing me" I confessed.

"Well, that's what happens when you party until 6 am with Jeff and Kendall" Y/N said. "An invite would have been nice"

I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing my front strands back.

"You know?" I asked her. "How do you know?"

"Twitter" Y/N said. "And Snapchat. And Gossip. Basically, it's all over. I heard people crashed your party"

"They did" I said, remembering Kendall's friends coming to the party. "I wanted to invite you. Was gonna tell you to come at the after party"

"And thank god I didn't come" Y/N said. "Spared me from a hangover"

I was surprised Y/N wasn't upset. I would have expected her to be, knowing she didn't have the best relationship with Kendall.

"You're not upset?" I asked her. "About the party?"

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