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Author's Note: Still waiting for any responses. Got two more chapters to post. In the meantime, enjoy this one. - May.

July 23, 2019.

I sat on the steps. My foot tapped on the concrete repeatedly. It's five minutes to 11. We said 11. We agreed to meet up at an arcade. I was completely nervous. I don't know why. I found out Ashton liked me last night. That should ease some of my nerves but obviously it didn't. I felt like I was teenager in love again. A part of me hated how I felt yet another part was secretly happy.

"I thought I would be the early one" I heard Ashton say.

I looked up to him.

"Nope" I shook my head. "I know how to get to this place by heart"

Ashton put his hand out for me to take. I stood up with his help.

"Shall we?" I asked him.

Ashton nodded. I walked down the steps and pushed the arcade's door opened. It was almost empty. Good for me but then again, it was early.

I looked to Ashton who was looking at the ice hockey table. I had one at home. Wasn't sure if I should tell him that though.

"Wanna play?" I asked him. "Pretty good at it"

"We'll have to see about that" Ashton said.

Ashton put his hand into his jacket's pocket, searching for something. He took out his wallet.

"How much for us?" Ashton asked.


"Oh, I can pay for myself" I told him. "I was going to pay for you too if you wanted. It's really not a big deal to me"

"I'm fine paying for myself" Ashton said. "But thank you"

Ashton's eyes glimmered looking at me.

"It's what friends do" I said.

Wait. Did I just say friends?

"I mean, it's what we do for the people we love!" I said to him.


I turned instant red.

"Uh, I didn't mean to say that. Actually, I did but not like that" I said, rambling on. "It's what we do for-"

"The people we love" Ashton said, chuckling at my awkwardness. "I got it"

I smiled, feeling a little relieved.

Yup, felt like a teenager in love. Acted like one too.

. . .

"Nooo!" I said. "How did you get in the lead?"

"I didn't get hit by the banana!" Ashton said.

For the record - we were playing Mario Cart. Somehow, I went from first place to third in less of a second. I pouted my lips involuntarily when Ashton won. Ashton chuckled at my response.

"I didn't expect you to be a sore loser" Ashton commented.

"I'm not" I told him. "I'm only upset because I was so close to winning. Until I got hit by that stupid banana."

"I'm upset too" Ashton said.

I looked at him in confusion.

"I was close at winning at table hockey too" He said.

We looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, we both cracked, laughing.

I liked Ashton. I liked the feeling I had when I was with him. The feeling I could say anything I want and not be judged. The feeling I didn't have to compete with anyone, or for anything. I felt I could be myself with him. I knew I could trust him. I knew he was a genuine friend who believed in me. I haven't felt this way since Felix. Felix. I haven't felt this way in years.

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