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Any went home exactly 10pm in the evening. She opened the door from her spare keys in her bag. She went inside and ate 2 fried chickens, no rice. "Any? Are you back now?" Her grandfather was awakened by Any's movements "I'm sorry Grandpa, were you awakened?" her grandpa asked her

"Not really my sweetie, I know your movements very well. So I decided to get up and check on you" his grandpa said and sat at the chair next to hers "how's grandma?" Any always ask about her second mom who took good care of her "shhhhhhh sweetie, granny's sound asleep" Any smiled with the thought of it "it's late now grandpa, shouldn't you be sleeping to?" Any asked him "I'll stay until you fall asleep my sweetie. I promised your dad that I'll be by your side forever" her grandpa said "I love you grandpa" Any hugged her grandfather tight "I love you 100 times more Any"

The next day, Sina woke up getting worried again with Noah. She checked online if he's active but he's not so Sina went out and cooked. She didn't went home because both her parents were on a business trip. After cooking, Sina knocked on Heyoon's room who came with her in the dorm last night "Heyoon?! Let's eat up! I'm so hungry!!" Sina shouted outside of the room

"Wow, looks like something happened for you to do all these" Heyoon told her because she feels like it's not like Sina to wake up early and cook for someone else except for Noah "what?! Do you want it or not?!" And besides the fact that Sina gets mad easily? It's hard for someone else to bear with her "ok, ok, fine I'm eating" Heyoon said and just sat and ate what Sina has cooked for breakfast

After eating, Heyoon washed the dishes and wondered why Josh has been acting weird lately "Hey Sina, have you observed Josh? He's been acting really weird lately" Heyoon opened up the topic to her "who wouldn't? We're like siblings so I'll definitely know if something's wrong with my brother" Sina answered and started cleaning their sala in the dorm "could it be about the beach girl again A year ago?" Heyoon asked because she's getting worried of Josh "I think so too Yoon-ie, but Josh hasn't been bothered with girls ever since so it could be impossible" Sina answered her "are you talking about my brother?" Sabina suddenly opened the door and went it "it so not like you to come in without knocking Sab," Heyoon said "why should I knock when this is also my dorm I don't do that to places I'm familiar with. And besides you weren't frightened at all" Sabina answered and went to her room to put her things down "why should we? When we know it's you?" Sina asked her when she came out of her room "why are you guys talking about Joshy? Is something going on?" Sabina is the most concerned when it comes to Josh

"He's been acting strage lately" Heyoon said "we talked about that already, and if you think it's about the beach girl, your definitely right. The girl we saw in Seal Beach is working in CAFÉ TREE.." Sabina told them "what?! You know all along and you also know that Josh has been looking all over for her but you didn't tell him?!" Both Sina and Heyoon can't believe that Sabina knew about it "it's because I don't want him to get too attached with any other girl. Not that I'm jealous, I'm concerned and most especially worried for him. Josh doesn't believe about the curse he's descending.. but the truth is he can never get away with it. Right now, I obviously know that Josh already likes her even though he didn't clearly saw her face. If Josh falls for her even more, she will definitely intake the pollen no matter what. In the end that girl will only suffer in pain and die. But have thought about Josh? He will live in regret forever. There is no way to stop the curse. It can only be stopped if Josh also dies without any descendant left. I will do the best that I can to prevent Josh from meeting that girl if that is the only way to save him" Sabina told them and left the dorm again..

Mean while at Josh's village, Diarra woke up early and went into their house "whoah, am I seing Diarra Sylla from Senegal?" Josh's grandpa was surprised "grandpa?! My gosh I missed you!!!" Diarra ran and hugged grandpa "I heard your living next to ours.. that's really great" Josh's grandpa told her "well... sort of. Anyways has Josh and Kyle woken up yet?" She asked him about those two who slept almost 1am last night "Josh is in his dorm at school and Kyle is cooking in the kitchen, which I couldn't refuse since it's his dream to be a chef after Kira died" their grandpa said "let's forget about the past that we shouldn't be reminded grandpa.. I'll go help Kyle cook. For now I'm all alone at the house my parents will be arriving 2 weeks from now so maybe I can kill sometime here?" Diarra asked him again "anytime you want since Josh will be busy for upcoming classes he won't be returning here in the mean time"

Back at the dorm at school, Josh was awakened when Sabina went in to their rooms.. they were even shocked because Sabina came without knocking and their positions in sleeping were not that decent..

"I didn't know that you were attracted to each other" Sabina said laughing while Krystian and Bailey were their shirts "it's not what you think with your green mind Sabby" Josh told her "I know, I was just kidding. I'm used to you guys, don't take it seriously. You gotta hurry, Sina woke up early today so she cooked at our dorm. Both Sina and Heyoon finished eating so you should come and join me, I hate eating alone" Sabina told them "Sina cooks pretty well, we should go and check it out" Krystian said and all of them went out

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