Washington monument

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Hey here's the story I was talking about. It was suggested by @OreosAreMySenpai
I hope you enjoy.

Ben's POV
I had just been rescued by Erica Hale from a bunch of assassins and we were both tired to say the least. We were sitting in the Washington monument that we had entered through the secret door that Erica strangely knew the location of.
"Ok we've got some time" Erica said visibly drained from saving me.
"How did you find me?" I asked quite a bit drowsy from the tranquilizer I was shot with.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I was like 500 miles away from the school how did you find me?"
"I never lost you" she said with a small smile. "I was watching you the entire time"
"Oh" I said blushing a little.
I looked out onto the lake and realized that this was probably the best place to be with a beautiful girl who happened to me my crush.
"So why didn't your father come?" I asked. I was expecting Erica to look at me with her icy glare but instead she looked at me with a look of sympathy and sadness.
"Oh I forgot, you don't know"
"Know what?" I asked confused
"Well...my dad's kind of a fraud."
Erica's POV
"WHAT!" Ben asked shocked when I told him my dad is a fraud.
"Well he mostly just goes on missions and takes credit for other people's work."
"But don't those people speak up and say that they did it?" Ben asked confused.
"Well usually they're dead" I said, I saw Ben's eyes go wide. "No no my dad doesn't kill them," I said quickly. "But usually they end up dead because of his incompetence."
"Wow, so he can't actually spy?"
"Nope he just looked good on paper." I suddenly realized how much I had revealed but for some reason I wanted to continue sharing, it was such a good feeling finally telling someone all this stuff.
"When did you realize that he was a fraud?" Ben asked slightly concerned.
"Well I guess when I was 5. One day he had just gotten missiles installed into the car and the switch was disguised as a knob on the radio. He had just rolled into the parking and was going to turn off the radio but got the knobs mixed up and launched missiles into the kitchen and blew up half the house." I said. I saw Ben laughing like crazy, it was contagious, I started laughing too. It was the best time I had had in years. "My mom was absolutely furious she made my dad redo the entire kitchen." Now we were both laughing like crazy and I actually felt free.
After a little while Ben asked "Umm, Erica, where is your mom?"
I suddenly stopped laughing. I was wondering if I could trust him. After wondering for a little while I decided I could.
"She and my dad are divorced. She works in the MI6 in London."
"Oh" Ben said. "Can I ask another question?"
"Sure" I said
"Why are you so cold?"
Ben's POV
"Why are you so cold? I asked hesitantly. I really wasn't expecting an answer so I was surprised when Erica answered.
"It's a long story." She said
"You can tell me it you want." I said, I didn't want to pry.
"I wasn't always this cold." Erica started. "I was actually normal once, then Joshua came along."
"Who's Joshua" I asked
"Joshua Hallal, he was a year above me at spy school, he was probably the best spy I had ever met." She said a longing in her voice. "He was the first person who wanted to be friends with me, he was the first person I fell for." She said quietly. "We were on a mission, and he suddenly disappeared, when we found him again he had joined SPYDER. That's when I realized that emotions would just ruined a mission." She said her eyes full of sadness and anger.
"Are you sure that's the only reason you don't want friends?" I asked tentatively, guessing there was more to this story.
Erica sighed and looked like she was wondering if she could trust me. Eventually she said "I guess not. I guess the real reason I don't want to get close to people is because I'm scared." As she said this I realized her eyes were becoming glossy, as if she was about to cry. "I'm scared of loosing people, I've grown up in a messed up family, my dad was a liar, my mom kept her entire life a secret from my dad, my parents divorced when I was young and the only person I trusted betrayed me. I guess I've just been hurt so many times I'm scared it'll happen again." As she said this a tear started rolling out of her eye.
"Oh Erica, I'm so sorry" I said and put my hand on top of hers. I was expecting her to pull away but she didn't, she just sat there. We sat in silence for a few more minutes until Erica said
"You know, your the only person I've ever told this to right?"
"Oh" I said surprised that she was confiding in me.
"So if you tell anyone I'll-"
"Kill me, I know." I said
So we sat there laughing at stories of Erica's father and Erica cringing at stories from my old school. It was most definitely the best night of my life.
Ok that's it for this chapter I'm sorry if it was a bit short or weird I tried my best. If you have any suggestions for stories please comment so I can start working on them. 😁

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