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Requested by DaBananyaCat2
They are both 25 at this time, they are both the same age. I apologize in advance for the crappy chapter I'm in the middle of something rn.
Ben's POV
I was gonna do it. I was gonna propose to my girlfriend Erica Hale. Even after all these years I couldn't believe it. I had won the love lottery. I had the best girl in the world.
She was gorgeous, smart, talented, funny, caring, loyal, and not to mention a total bad ass.
We had been dating since the 5th year of spy school. I had always loved her but she finally accepted on a mission when we were both about to die, according to her it was because she realized how short life was at that moment and she wanted to make the most of it.
So we've been dating since then. We broke up a few times but it was nothing toxic, it was mostly because of our circumstances, but here I am.
I had gotten her parents blessing a few weeks ago and had started plant right away.
I got Zoe and Mike to help me with this since we were all still friends.
The plan was that I would take her on a date to Central Park, which is where we had our first date, and I would take her to where we kissed for the first time and then I'd ask the question.
Zoe and Mike would be filming the whole thing from different angles. I really hope this goes well.
————-time skip——————————————-

I was standing out side her door waiting for her to come out. My heart was beating outside my chest, but I convinced my self it would be fine. after all we loved each other. I fiddled with the ring box in my pocket. Mike and Zoe had helped me pick out the perfect ring a few weeks back. It had sapphires the colour of Erica's eyes and it had the most beautiful diamond in the middle. It was the first thing I saw when we walked into the store and I knew at that moment that it was the one.

I knocked on the door and a few moments later Erica walked out. I was dumbstruck, she was gorgeous I've seen her almost every day for the past 4 years and it still amazes me every-time how amazingly beautiful she is.

"Wow you look beautiful." I said my heart practically out on the floor. she was in a light pink, knee length dress covered in lace that complemented her perfectly.

"thanks," she said looking down and blushing. "So do you".

I was wearing navy dress pants and a matching jacket with a white shirt underneath.  I didn't look nearly as good as she did but I was glad nonetheless.

"Shall we get going m'lady?" I asked jokingly holding out my arm.

"of course, fine sir." she replied in a perfect british accent, giggling.

We walked to my car since the park was a few blocks away and it was a bit chilly. we hadn't been to the park in a long time and its safe to say it looked even  better than before. There were trees of every type showered with strings of lights It made the night even better. Me and Erica walked for about half an hour, stopping to get ice cream from one of the venders. I was getting more and more nervous with every passing minute but assured myself everything would be fine.

When we got to the bench where we sat during our first ever real date. It was the summer after 5th year and we had both met up here and walk to this exact bench. it was the first time we went on a date out side of somewhere near spy school.

"Hey this is the same place we went on our first real date." she said smiling. I had a few minutes I glanced around and saw Mike behind one tree and Zoe behind another. I prayed that Erica did not see them, she was an amazing spy but I would have thought years of spy school did some work.

"Ya, it is." I said getting ready. I sat down and patted the spot on the bench beside me. Erica looked at me a little weirdly but sat down either way. I turned to face her.

"I have loved you every since that day you tackled me in the first day of spy school. Ever since through every mission, project, date, and kiss I have fallen in love with you over and over again. And I never want that to stop. So Erica Hale will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

By this point I was on my knees and Erica was doing that thing girls do putting their hands on their mouths and trying not to cry. Suddenly she jumped up and started screaming.

"YES YES YES OH MY GOD A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" she was shedding tears not, which I wiped off after I pu the ring on her finger. Then I kissed her and just like I said I fell in love with her all over again.

After our little moment, she looked around and said

"Mike, Zoe you can come out now." They walked out of the trees looking abashed but also laughing. Next thing I knew we were all laughing and I knew it would be like this for the rest on my life.

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