Rescue mission

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Requested by @Sblaster20
Zoe's POV
I wandered the halls silently after class, making my way to my room. I had just finished a five star meal at the cafeteria consisting of dog food meatloaf and sewer juice. Everyone else had gone to their rooms and I was the only one left, the hallways were covered in dust and in their abandoned state looked a suspicious amount like the place where someone would get murdered. The thought sent chills down my spine as I opened the door to my room. I followed the same uneventful schedule everyday, wake up, eat, go to class, eat, go to class, eat and go to bed, it had been like this for months, ever since 'the incident'. Well to be honest it wasn't that big of a deal but it was just a bunch of unfortunate things that happened to occur at the same time. Let me explain...

Me, Mike, Erica, and Ben had just gotten back from our last mission, we had managed to thwart yet another one of SPYDER's plans and were all exhausted. Of course this is spy school and nothing goes according to plan, so the moment we got back to school we were ushered into the idiot's (principal, long story) office by Alexander, Erica's dad. As soon as I stepped foot in that office I knew something important was going to go down. Erica's mom, Catherine Hale, was standing beside the principal along with another man I didn't recognize.

"Thank you for coming," Catherine said in her posh british accent, "we have some news, it only applies to Erica but I thought it best you all hear at least this part of it." She still hadn't addressed the man and by the looks of my friends none of us knew who he was, even Erica.

"Erica has been selected to be sent out on a mission," the mysterious man finally said, "she will be leaving tonight and there is no promise as to when she will return. We expect you to say your goodbyes and leave her to pack her belongings." he said this in such an authoritative manner I was almost certain he was the boss of something important, I just didn't know what. With that we were ushered out of the room/broom closet (another long story), sent to say our goodbyes as instructed.

We were all shocked, even Erica. This was probably the most emotion I had seen her show in years.

"So what now?" Ben asked turning to Erica, and I thought I heard his voice waver just a bit. "You're just gonna go, like that."

"I don't have a choice," Erica replied in a surprisingly sad tone, "You heard what they said, I have to leave.".
That's when it hit us, Erica was leaving. It was sad for all, after everything the gang was breaking up. Me and Mike shared a look and I knew he was thinking the same thing as me, even though we were all upset we knew it would hit Ben the hardest. It wasn't exactly a secret that he had a huge crush on Erica and I knew it must have been heartbreaking for him to have to see her leave, for good.

After we all said our goodbyes, and I may have shed a tear or two, we were instructed to go back to our rooms and get a good nights sleep. I was lying in bed thinking over the events of the last week when a thought occurred to me. I knew it was wrong and selfish but I couldn't help it. This would mean Erica was out of the picture. I had had a crush on Ben for the longest time but I had always ignored those feelings knowing that they wouldn't be reciprocated because of his feelings for Erica, but now that Erica was a lost cause for him, I might stand a chance. I mentally shamed myself for thinking these things, I should be there for him not try to use this to my advantage, but than again, I would technically be helping him by taking his mind off Erica. So I made a mental note to sit with him at breakfast tomorrow and try to get closer to him. Little did I know everything was about to change.

Breakfast started at 7, I got up at 6:15 intending to put a little more effort in my outfit today when a yellow envelope slid under my door. On top of it was a sticky note telling me not to open it yet and to report to the idiots office immediately. It was an unusual time but I went anyway.

There were two people in the room, the principal, still wearing bunny slippers and Cyrus Hale, Erica's grandfather.
"Ms. Zibelle, have a seat." Said the idi- principal.
"We have received some terrible news and need you to help."
"Wha... wait what what's going on?" I asked, my brain still a bit foggy from just waking up.
"Your friend Benjamin Ripley has apparently defected to SPYDER last night. We need you to save him." Cyrus said in a gruff voice but clear voice, indicating that he had already been awake for hours before. Which I found very strange as it was 6:30 in the morning.
"Wait, what! How?!" Suddenly snapping to attention trying to comprehend what was going on. "So you're telling me in the span of 9 hours Ben just up and left spy school?"
"Well... we have found some files suggesting this had been planned from months ago." The principal said doubt creeping into his words. I still refused to believe Ben willingly joined the dark side but figured arguing would be useless.
"Ok where do I need to go."
"All the information is in that packet" Cyrus said nodding to the yellow envelope in my hands. "Open it when you get back to your room. The car will be waiting."

Confused but determined I walked out of the office and back to my small room. I read over the package, I was to go to SPYDER's new found base and be sent in as a mole. Apparently spy school had done a lot since they found out about Ben, and had managed to convince SPYDER that I wanted to switch sides through some forged emails. I was confused as to how they did all this in one night, especially for a school that's usually crappy at this stuff, but I guess Ben was a good enough spy that they couldn't risk losing him.
~time skip~
The car stopped about half a mile away from an inconspicuous black building. Remembering what I read on the package before having to burn all evidence of it this was when I was supposed to get off and walk to the gates. I took the backpack I had packed said goodbye to the driver and left the car.
When I got to the gates I saw a guard standing to the side, the obvious indent of a gun under his jacket.
"Name?" He asked in a gruff voice, exactly what you would expect from a 6'4 guy dressed in all black.
"Zoe Zibelle" I tried making my voice as evil as I could, tough it still sounded upbeat and peppy compared to the Guard's. He said my name into a small walkie talkie attached to his jacket, gave a small nod, and opened the gates telling me to go left when I got in.

As I went in I realized this place looked like a mini city, which buildings on either side of a long road. On my left there was a large building labelled workout centre, to my right there was the pool. I walked down the street reading signs like 'movie room' and 'infirmary'. I got to a cross road where I went left like I was told. I found myself in a building that looked like any other college dorm, there was a common room, a line of bedrooms down one hall and a kitchen beside them.
Suddenly the tv turned on.
Part two will be out soon. For a ship I don't even like this sure is a long one. Anyway there will be more zen/boe in the next part cause I had to build up to it

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