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This was suggested by @banannag11
It prob won't be that good but here we go...
Ben's POV
It was the weekend so we didn't have any classes. I had been up all night practicing for my self defence exam on Monday so I had been pretty tired. Of course saying this I decided to sleep in. But my best friend at spy school, Zoe Zibbel has other plans for me.
"Beeennnnnn wake upppppp' I heard a sing song voice say into my ear as I was sleeping.
'Uggggg not now mom' I said sleepily, Becker getting a slap across the face.
'Get up you lazy idiot!' I hear the familiar voice of Zoe say.
'ZOE WHAT- I- WHAT ARE TOU DOING MY ROOM!? HOW DID YOU EVEN GET IN?' I asked covering myself up with my blanket, jeez I really should stop sleeping in just my underwear.
"Well for starters the locks here aren't that hard to pick, and second I'm here to remind you that IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! And you're late to my party." She said sounding a bit disappointed that I forgot her birthday.
"Oh my god Zoe I'm so sorry. I'll be right over."
"You better be." And with that she left.
——————-time skip————————————-
We were all sitting in Zoe's room. By all I mean, me, Mike, Zoe, Chip, Jawa, and surprisingly Erica. When I got there everyone had already been chatting away and I wondered how much I had missed.
'Hey guys!' I said as I walked into the room.
'Ben nice of you to finally join us." Erica said in her classic icy voice, but she had a bit of a smirk on her face which was extremely unlike her. Even being here was unlike her. I was wondering if they had maybe drugged her. However that thought was shaken from my head when Zoe said,
"Ok guys let's play truth or dare!"
"Again??? We always play that." Mike said rolling his eyes in a playful way.
"Well it's my birthday so I get to choose. And I have a pretty good idea this time." She said smirking. Oh no that's never a good thing.
"Ok everyone gather round" Zoe said. We all did as we were told and sat in a circle.
"Who want to go first?" I asked.
"Ooh I'll go first" Chip said. "Jawa truth or dare?"
"Ummm dare." Jawa said, a little hesitantly.
"Hmmm I dare you toooo... braid Erica's hair." I hear Erica audibly sigh beside me. Jawa looks over at her.
"Well let's get this over with already." Erica said. I was absolutely shocked she let him braid her hair. I was surprised she even let him near her. I was a little jealous to be honest.
While Jawa was braiding her hair the group talked about the exam a bit until Jawa said,
"Done!" When he revealed it there was a beautiful fishtail braid going from one side of Erica's hair down to her other shoulder. If it was possible she looked even more beautiful than she had been before.
"Damn where did you learn how to braid like that?" Chip asked
"My older sister taught me when I was little" he replied, a little embarrassed by all the attention.
"Ok my turn!" Zoe said. "Hmmmm, Ben truth or dare?" She asked slyly.
"Dare" I said already regretting it.
"I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Erica in that closet." (Sorry I don't know how to actually play this game)
I was about to pass out, there was no way Erica was letting me do this. To my absolute surprise she stood up and started walking to the closet Zoe pointed to. Ok I swear someone had drugged her.  Even though I was more than a little suspicious I stood up and walked over to the closet as well. We were standing inside the closet with the door close. It wasn't very big so we were squished pretty close to each other.
"We don't have to if you don't want to." I said awkwardly. For the first time I realized I had actually grown taller than her.
To answer me she went up on her tippy toes and put her lips against mine. Her lips were soft and tasted like cherry chapstick. I was expecting her to pull away after a few seconds but instead she deepened the kiss, and I went along with it. We kept going for the full seven minutes but I felt like years. I won't give all the details (let's keep it PG) but let's just say it was better than the kiss in vail. We finally broke away when we hear a knock on the door.
"Ok guys you can come out." Said Zoe's amuses voice. We opened the door and saw Zoe standing there with an amused look on her face. We all sat down and continued the game with our hands intertwined.
Finally done! Sorry this took so long. School has recently started and I have been very busy not to mention I was suffering from writers block.
Any way I hope you enjoy.
Requests and messages are always welcome.

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