The talk

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This was suggested by @spyschool13
Ben's POV
I walking into the the living room of our villa at around 5 in the morning because I couldn't sleep. When I got there I saw Zoe sitting on the couch, she didn't have the tv on or anything she was just sitting there.
"Hey." I said quietly not wanting to startle her.
"Oh, hey," she said jumping a little. "You scared me."
"Sorry" I said.
"It's fine, couldn't sleep?" She asked me.
"No," I replied "same with you?"
"Ya" she said. "Have a seat."
"Ok." I replied.

Zoe's POV

I was going to tell him, this is it, I'm going to tell Ben Ripley that I like him. I mean who wouldn't like him, he's sweet, smart, charming and everything I could ever want.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Ben asked
"Sure." I said a little confused.
"Do you like Mike"
"No! Why would I like him?!" I replied surprised.
"I don't know, it just kinda seemed like it." He said shyly. God he's sooooooo cute.
"I like someone else." I said quietly, but he still heard.
"Who?" He asked intrigued.
"You." I said.
"Me?!" He asked just as shocked as I had been.
"Ummm, ya."

Ben's POV
Zoe liked me. Zoe Zibbel liked me! My best friend likes ME! No this can't be happening, I don't like her like that, how am I going to tell her that!?
"Uhhhh look Zoe, your a great friend but I just don't like you like that." I said quietly.
"Oh." Zoe said sadly.
"My heart belongs to someone else." (Ok that was really cheesy)
"I know you like Erica, I just thought maybe you'd realize that it would never work out between you two and you'd actually pay attention to the people who did want you. It's just not fair Erica gets everything, she's pretty, she's talented, she's a freaking legacy all I wanted was for one person to like me back and this is what happens. Can't you see Erica doesn't like you! She's cold hearted and doesn't care about anyone but herself!" Zoe was almost crying at this point. I had to admit she was right but I still wanted Erica and I felt like it was my duty to defend her.
"Your wrong about her." I said defiantly. "Erica can be amazing, caring, and so much more I like her for more that her beauty! I'm sorry but I don't like you Zoe!" Before I realize what I had  said Zoe was running to her room crying. I felt horrible I wanted to curl up in a hole and die.

Zoe's POV
This was it, I could never have contact with Ben again. I had just embarrassed myself in front of him. It really wasn't fair though. Erica didn't care about anyone yet everyone loved her, just for once I wanted to be the beautiful one, I wanted to be the one everyone loved. I guess we don't alway get what we want.

Ben's POV
As soon as Zoe left I sat down. After a few seconds I felt someone sit down beside me. I thought it was Zoe again so I turned around to apologize but when I did I saw that it was Erica that was sitting there.
"Oh my goodness! What are you doing here!?" I asked.
"I was standing here the entire time." She replied nonchalantly. "Thanks for what you said about me."
"Oh you heard that?" I asked embarrassed.
"Yes, and I think you should be with Zoe."

Erica's POV
"No I dot like her like that I like you." He said
"I know" I replied "but it's complicated, it would be weird enough with the age gap but not only do relationships ruin a mission, the truth is I'm not ready for a relationship. I don't want you to waste your life waiting for me. I don't want to be the reason you don't like anyone else." I said this all in a cool tone but the truth is I was dying inside. I wanted more that anything to tell Ben that I loved him, that I wanted to be with him but I couldn't, I could lie, Ben Ripley. You're only gonna get hurt. I told myself.
"Erica Hale, you are the most amazing, beautiful, talented spy and girl I have ever met. I love you. I know you don't want a relationship but there is no one I would want to be with more than you. So if you ever do want a relationship just know I will always be waiting for you." Ben said.  Before I knew what I was doing I leaned in and kissed Ben on the lips, he kissed back. We were like that for about five seconds before I pulled away and said.
"Ben Ripley I loved you ever since the first day I saw you. I wanted to be with you so bad but I couldn't, I was scared of getting hurt. You have taught me that if your scared to get hurt your never going to get anywhere in life so, Ben, if I promise not to be scared and be nicer to people can you date me?" This was it I said it.
"Yes." He replied firmly.
It was official. I was dating Ben Ripley.

Hey guys so that was the chapter I hop you like it. It was my birthday last week so I was really  busy so I haven't updated and this week we had exams. I was thinking of deleting this book cause I just feel like it's not really working out. If you guys don't want the book to be deleted let me know in the comments.
Bye for now ❤️

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