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This was suggested by @Ilovetoread24

Ok so this is a bit different from what I usually write so don't be surprised if it's not that good. And this is in a AU where Ben and Erica are dating and are the same age.

It was the last day before summer break and I was in my fifth year at spy school. A lot of stuff changed since the last time you guys saw me. For starters I hadn't gone on any more missions
so far, so things were kinda boring, but one good thing did come out of all of the putting my life at risk stuff. And that was that we and my long time crush Erica Hale, were officially dating. Yup I was dating the most beautiful, talented, smartest, and most dangerous girl in the entire school. We kept our relationship on the down low, only mike and Zoe knew about it. At first I didn't know how Zoe would react cause I knew she used to like me, but when we told her and mike that we were dating she said she had some news as well and said that she and mike were dating! So I guess it all works out.
Anyway, on the last day we got the day off to pack all our stuff before camp. Erica, as expected had already finished packing before everyone else, so she came to my room and we started packing up all my stuff.
"Hey Erica? I asked.
"Ya?" She replied as she zipped up my suitcase and looked around the empty room.
"Do you like being a spy?"
"I guess."
"What do you mean." I asked confused. She joined me on the bed and said,
"I mean don't get me wrong I've been training to do this for years and it's the only world I've known, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a normal life to not have to be Albert when even walked no down the street." She looked sad as she said this, which means a lot. Even now that we were dating she still didn't show as much e,option as a normal person.
"Well, you're not normal. Your amazing, and beautiful, and talented, and smart, and a straight up badass." She giggles at this. "And I love you for it." She looked at me, shocked. I was worried I said that too soon, after all we were only dating for 6 months. What if she didn't love me back. What if I screwed up. What if- I felt a pair of lips gently touch mine. It was blissful. Even though I had kissed her before every time felt like dynamite exploding in me.
"I love you too" She whispered against my lips.
Before I knew what was going on I leaned into the kiss, deepening it. She did the same. Next thing I knew we were making out when the door flew open and a British sounding gasp forced us apart.
"What in the queens name is going on!?" Catherine Hale's voice said.
"Mother! I can explain!" Erica said shocked and embarrassed.
"Explain what! Explain why you were snogging Benjamin on his bed."
Through tall of this I just sat awkwardly not knowing if I should say something or not. Ultimately I decided to not say anything.
"What are you even doing here!?" Erica angrily asked her mother.
"I was on campus and the principal told me to drop these information packages regarding next year to the students. I knocked but there was no answer I guess I know why now!" Her mother shot back just as angry?
"I don't even know why you're angry I'm a 16 year old girl (I think that's how old they would be in fifth year) I'm allowed to have a boyfriend!"
"I certainly would have preferred if you TOLD ME YOU HAD ONE!" her other practically yelled.
"Well I knew you would react like this so I didn't tell you!" Erica said.
"Well then. I suppose you convinced poor Benjamin not to tell me either." She said looking at me. I took this as a cue to say something.
"Actually Ms.Hale no one knows about our relationship." I said shyly.
"Well then" Catherine said straightening up. "I am disappointed in both of you, however I understand. Erica since Ben is a good boy and I knew this was going to happen I will forgive you, however I will not be as forgiving if this happened again, now will you give me and Benjamin a moment alone."
"Sure mom." Erica said calming down as she left the room.
"Ben I think you know by now that Erica is a fragile girl. She might hide it well but she has been hurt before, so I give you my blessing to date her but promise me one thing. You will not break her heart."
"promise." I said, and I meant it. Catherine gave me a hug and said
"But I think you should tell people when you are both ready."
"We will" I replied.
And done! Sorry if this was a bit short but it's been a while since I last published something. Anyway hoped you guys enjoy this and remember to comment and ideas you might have!
'Til later

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