The note

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This was requested by @21lfaust

Ben's POV
I had just gotten back to my room from the principals office. For once I wasn't in trouble, well kind of. I was told that I would have to attend spy camp over the summer and would not be allowed to hangout with my childhood best friend Mike. All of that however was a small problem compared to what I had found on my bed when I went into my room.
The note read:
|Hey Ben, we're coming for you. |
|Your buds at SPYDER|
It was safe to say I was scared. Well a bit scared. I was also excited. This gave me an excuse to talk to Erica Hale. If you didn't know, Erica is the smartest, strongest, best and most dangerous spy in the academy. Not to mention she is drop dead gorgeous, and that I have a serious crush on her. Anywaysssss, since we had been on a few missions together I had become the closets thing Erica had to a friend, which was quite an achievement inside ring Erica shuts herself away from everyone and thinks friends are a liability. However we hadn't really talked since the last mission and I was dying for an excuse to talk to her.
I found Erica on the archery range shooting arrows with the most accurate shot I had ever seen.
"Hey" I said hoping to startle her
"What is it?" She said coldly as if she knew I was there.
"I have something to show you"
"What is it?"
I held up the note. When Erica looked at it I thought I saw the slightest bit of surprise in her eyes, but it disappeared as fast as it came.
"Let's go" She said dragging me away
Erica's POV
When I saw the note Ben held up I had to admit I was a little shocked. I knew it meant another mission, and I was secretly excited. I was getting really bored at spy school and needed a change of setting. Of course first we had to figure out what this bye meant in the first place.
Me and Ben were in the hidden morgue under spy school. I assumed since it was almost summer and classes were out no one would be it here.
"Well what do you think?" Ben asked looking a bit concerned.
"It might not actually be SPYDER." I replied thinking of the possibility. " it might be another organization posing as SPYDER."
"Or it might be a joke." Ben said hopefully
"What moron would play a joke like this"
"Chip Schacter"
"Not possible were the only students who know about SPYDER's existence."
We stood in silence for a while thinking. What if it was a joke? I asked myself. What if someone had found out about SPYDER? no it wouldn't be possible.
"Okay." I finally said.
"What?" Ben asked excited
"I think we should wait awhile."
"Wait, WHAT!?" Ben exclaimed.
"Shhhhhh! Keep your voice down. We don't have any idea what this not is about so we have to just keep an eye out see if there's anything suspicious then we might have a clue as to what's happening."
"Fine." Ben said with a sigh.
With that I turned around and left.

Line break

That night I went through the events of the day. After about half an hour. I came to the conclusion that there was probably a mole in the school. Well to be honest I thought this from the beginning but now I had believed it more. This meant I would have another mission, with Ben. I had to admit I was excited to work with him. No Erica. No feelings. You know this!!! Right I was just excited about the mission, Ben was just a bonus. God Erica stoppppppp! With that I drifted off to sleep.

Hi guys, so sorry for the late update I was rlly busy this week. I know this was a short chapter but I am suffering a severe case of writers block so I would really appreciate ideas. Like REALLY I need ideas anyways byeeeeeed.

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