Chapter 7 - Jealous Khushi!

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"Arnav.. Arnav.." Khushi ran smiling to Arnav's direction, who was on his father laptop playing games.

Arnav looked at her, "Careful baby.."

"I won't fall.. I know how to run now.." Khushi smiled when she reached him panting.

She rested her hand on Arnav's lap.

Arnav patted her back gently, "See now you're panting!!"

Khushi showed him what was on her hand, "See NK taught me how to make a paper plane!!"

Arnav brushed his forehead against hers smiling, "That's very good!! You want to make it fly??"

Khushi nodded excitedly. Arnav stood up and both went to his room.

Radhika smirked, "This girl is always behind Arnav"

Raj: Radhika stop talking like this about Khushi. She is just a child, she doesn't understand what the real world is.. And you're blaming her for things she doesn't even have an idea.. I don't want to hear you talking like this with Khushi..

Radhika nodded and went from there angrily.

She found NK on the way, and lifted him taking him to their room.

"Mumma what's wrong?" NK pouted.

"Mumma what's wrong!!! What's wrong with you NK? Didn't I told you to stay away from that girl? Who told you to teach her how to make a paper plane?" Radhika scolded him.

"I want to play with her Mumma!! She is so cuteeeeee.." NK smiled sheepishly.

Radhika rolled her eyes and NK got time to escape from her.

Meanwhile, Khushi and Arnav were in Arnav's room poolside.

"Blow air here and then make it fly okay.." Arnav instructed her.

Khushi did as he said, but the plane instead of flying fell on his pool.

Khushi pouted, "It didn't fly!!"

"I think you made a boat and not a plane.." Arnav laughed.

Khushi too joined him, laughing at the plane.

"Tomorrow is my second day.." she added, when both stopped laughing.

"Are you still scared baby?" he asked.

"A bit.." she giggled.

"Tomorrow "this bit" will disappear also.." Arnav said.
The next day, Arnav dropped Khushi to her classroom, he entered with her and made her sit on her chair.

"Study well ok!" he whispered to her and dropped a kiss on her forehead, that's because he can't contain himself when he sees her cute face sadly staring at him, as if asking why are you going now!

Khushi nodded, she looked behind her and saw some boys laughing silently at her.

She clutched Arnav's hand feeling scared.

Arnav looked behind him, and glared at the boys laughing at Khushi.

The boys widened their eyes scared and looked at their books.

Arnav shook his head, and turned to Khushi: You don't need to feel scared of them Cute baby.. If anything happens then complain to your teacher or call me..

"What if they pull my hair? Like the same happened with Di?" Khushi pouted.

"For that you don't have to cry, but behave strongly.. Otherwise they will tease you more.. But just call me, I will make sure they don't tease you okay?" Arnav pinched her cheek.

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