Chapter 12 - You're not my friend!

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'"Arnav.." Khushi smiled when she saw him in front of her in the living room.

He was coming to meet her and she was going to him only to offer him the cake she baked especially for him!

"Cute baby.." Arnav faked a smile.

"Look what I made for you Arnav.." she said excitedly.

"Cake? But I can't eat cake.." Arnav frowned confused. Despite knowing about his disease she still baked a cake for him!

"Haan.. I know you can't eat sweets.. But this a special sugar free cake for you.. I baked it.. Ask mumma.." Khushi said.

"Ohh.. Thank you Cute baby.." Arnav took one piece of cake to taste.

Indeed it was delicious, that it brought a smile on his face of relishing something called sweet without sugar after a long time in his life.

Khushi waited for his appreciation, playing with her fingers and staring at the floor cutely.

Arnav planted a kiss on her forehead, "This is your reward!! It's the best cake Baby.. Its sugar free but since you made it, it added sweetness to this cake!!"

"Aww does this cake have sugar because of my sweetness??" Khushi widened her eyes innocently.

Arnav chuckled, "Hmm.."

Khushi is growing up but her cute antics and innocent behavior doesn't leave her at all. But there has been also some changes he notices in her, she has become more understanding, patient and a shy quite girl for others except him.

"Come with me Khushi.." he held her hand.

"No leave this cake otherwise it will do no good for your health.." Khushi nodded sideways.

Arnav smirked and took the plate from her hand, "I'm gonna eat all this.. Its for me after all.."

Khushi: But you only said that..

Arnav: Yes I said that you add the sweetness of this cake.. But you're a harmless sugar for me Khushi..

Khushi pouted: Mumma said all the food that contains sugar is not good for you.. Then if I'm sugar then I'm harmful..

Arnav: You're not because you never wish to hurt me.. That's why you're sweet and good girl!!

Khushi nodded, while NK giggled behind the pillar and caught Arshi's attention.

"Harmless sugar!! What is this bhai? Have you gone mad in explaining Khushi everything in details??" NK clutched his stomach laughing hard.

"And didn't anyone told you that it's bad manners to hear other conversation secretly??" Arnav glared at him.

"I just couldn't control myself but hear this sweet conversation.. Ayee ayee.. I might get diabetes if I stay here for one minute more.." NK joked and fell on the sofa laughing.

"Its wasn't a joke for you to laugh like a mad boy.." Arnav rolled his eyes.

Arnav held Khushi's hand again, and took her to his room.

Reaching at the poolside, both sat on their chairs.

"Do you want to share something with me??" Khushi asked smiling, because whenever both want to say something to each other in secret they come to the poolside.

"Yes I want to Khushi.. It's kind of a bad news.." he said and stared for awhile at her face to read her expressions.

"Promise me that you will hear me patiently and understand my point of view too.. Please.." he whispered cupping her face.

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