Chapter 29 - Radhika's punishment!

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Raizada mansion..
"Ouch.." Arnav hissed in pain, he shut his eyes and clutched his pillow, while resting in his bed and his Cute baby was healing his wound.

Khushi glared at him.

He smiled sheepishly to her, and kept silent.

"Scream more na.. when you do foolish things like this? What do you expect to do?" Khushi scolded him.

"Khushi you can't scold to me.. remember I'm elder to you.." he said keeping his serious ASR face.

"This is my right.." she said, "I can scold you whenever you do this like this, I can scream to you because it reflect my care for you.."

Rabba vee.. Rabba vee..

"You really took time to understand this I explained you years ago.." Arnav said with his gaze fixed at her, "Then you will take time to understand your love for me Khushi.. but it's not impossible na.. when you understood now what I explained to you when you were a kid, then you will also understand that you love me too, you can love me Khushi.. just give me a chance Baby.. I will wait for you.. I don't mind waiting for months, years and so on.. I know one day you will understand what's love.." he said.

Khushi looked at him with moist eyes, she nodded her head: I know that I will understand.. please teach me with the same patience you did years ago..

Arnav smiled, he pulled her into a tight hug, the first aid box in her hand fell on the floor, but neither him or Khushi cared.
Living room..
"What was Khushi saying on the beach.. I wasn't understand anything.. why did she say sorry to Arnav?" Nani asked to Mami and Ratna.

Both shrugged their shoulders.
Ratna: Maybe their fought..

Mami smiled: But all is wellz now.. did you saw how both were close to each other there? And the way Arnav bitwa even hurt, managed to find her ring.. oh my God.. I wish someone loved me this much...

"That's true.. I never thought Chote could love someone to this extent.. When Khushi is with him, he completely change his personality.. " Ratna smiled.

Arnav's room:
"Should I bring something for you to eat?" Khushi asked with a smile on her face.

"No.." Arnav nodded sideways.

"Wait here, I'm coming in minutes.." Khushi said caressing his wound, then left the room.

"What the.. What happened to my Cute baby?" Arnav looked at her in disbelief, "Isn't Mama words coming true? I'm slowly becoming her slave. Even though I said no, she went.." he pouted.
Khushi went to the kitchen, she served food for Arnav thinking about what happened.

"I shouldn't have listened to Radhika aunty words.. I was about to spoil everything.. If I stopped this marriage, then I would have hurt Arnav the most.. then my family also.. Radhika aunty never like me, where I was in my mind to listen to her.." she shook her head.

Radhika pushed her by her arms, "Khushi..what have you done?"

"Aaah.. you're hurting me aunty.." Khushi cried in pain.

"Ohh really.. I asked what are you doing? You are supposed to stay away from Arnav, and today.. you just spoiled everything.. now he will think you love him..." Radhika shouted to her.

"The problem was Arnav not loving me, yet sacrificing his life because I was his best friend aunty.. not the fact that he will think I love him.. today I saw that he truly loves me.. only me.. you're lying to me.." Khushi said.

"How dare you Khushi.." Radhika twisted her arm, Khushi opened her mouth to scream yet she couldn't, what if anyone comes there.

"Leave her.." both heard a sharp voice.

Radhika widened her eyes scared, she quickly left Khushi and turned to the door only to find Arnav, his dark eyes already pointing danger to her, his clenched fist showing her the level of his anger.

Khushi gulped, she looked down crying.

"Can I know who gave you the right to hurt my wife?" he asked, with a deadly tone.

"Khushi.. tell him na.. I wasn't hurting her beta.. I was just helping her, she got hurt and I was trying to relieve her pain.. Khushi say to's true what I am saying.." Radhika said wiping the sweat beads forming on her forehead.

"Haan.." Khushi said.

"Sona..I'm not talking with you.. Keep quiet.." Arnav said, only glaring at Radhika.

Khushi gulped her saliva in fear. Same goes to Radhika.

"I saw everything.. why did you hurt her? I don't want to know.. just like in AR, many employees of mine escape from giving me explanations over their mistakes, but one thing I don't spare.. I don't spare giving punishments to them.. and you're my aunty.. I just gave you many chances, unlike them.. but everything has a limit.. today you crossed that.." he said walking near Radhika.

Radhika trembled, she start reciting her mantras to save herself from ASR.

Khushi saw him walking closer to Radhika, she wondered what he was going to do, her eyes landed on the knife laid on the table, she quickly took the knife on hide on her back, and start pushing everything Arnav could use to beat Radhika.

"My hands are enough to do that Khushi.." he said looking at her.

Khushi gulped again, and keep the knife back at his place, earning a crying look from Radhika: Hide this knife Khushi.. please..

Arnav gritted his teeth, "Pack your bags and leave this house.."

Radhika widened her eyes: What??

"You don't have much time.. I can drop you in your in laws home.." he said, holding Khushi's hand taking her away from the kitchen with the plate Khushi served food for him.

"When I finish eating, I must not see your face aunty.." he smirked.

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