Chapter 32 - Khushi leave Arnav speechless.

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"Wow you both look so perfect together.." Ratna said walking near Arnav, Khushi and Anjali.
"Thank you mumma.." both said at the same time, then looked at each other.
Ratna cleared her throat, "Romance later ahn, now let's go.."
She held both hand and took them to center of the hall, where the guests were waiting for the rasam to start.
Lavanya and Payal helped Khushi to sit, while Akash and NK helped Arnav.

Khushi stare at Arnav through the cloth piece thinking what should do to make him forgive her.
Arnav raised his one eyebrow asking through his eyes what happened to her.
"If I do something for you, will you forgive me??" she asked him.
"It depends.." he said.
"On what??" Khushi frowned.
"If I like or not.." Arnav smirked.
"You will like it.." she smiled brightly, "What I will do, will surely melt your heart.."
Arnav removed the piece of cloth separating him from Khushi, he cupped her face and kissed her forehead warmly: "Don't.. your innocent smile is enough to melt my heart.. "

"Did you forgive me?" she whispered blinking her eyes.
Arnav nodded, "Never hide anything from me, especially in these cases.."
Khushi looked at him with moist eyes, she hugged him tightly, and rested her cheek on his shoulder sobbing.
"I'm sorry Baby.. sometimes I've to be angry with you for you learn.." he said patting her back.
Khushi nodded sideways: I'm not crying because of you.. sorry Arnav..
"Shh.." he calmed her down.
The crowd was staring at them.
Arnav looked at everyone, and then at his mother who glared at him. He smiled sheepishly for breaking the rules, he broke the hug with Khushi and returned to his place.
Ratna went on and applied haldi on Arnav's cheeks, forehead, arms and legs. She smiled and kissed his forehead.
Arnav smiled.
Then she went to Khushi and did the same and others start applying haldi and have fun with the bride and groom.
"You're looking so beautiful my Doll.. Arnav be careful, otherwise many boys will take this precious from him.." Nani teased him.
Everyone on the hall laughed.
NK and Aakash stood behind Khushi like guards, "Don't worry bhai to protect your Doll from those devils.."
Arnav showed thumbs up to both: Great job!
Khushi blushed looking down.
Lavanya and Payal bend to sit with Arnav, and twisted his ear, "Then we also won't let you betray our sister.."
Arnav hissed in pain: What the.. do you think I will ever betray her??? There is no beautiful woman in the world other than her, then why will I go behind others??
Khushi blushed more, she wanted to bury her face somewhere.
Lavanya pouted: Why are you like this bhaiya??? We can't even scold you..
"Scold her for stealing my heart.." Arnav said staring at Khushi with his eyes speaking love for her.
Khushi stood up and went running from there smiling, unable to bear his heavy words of love for her.
Arnav stood up also to go behind her, but the family comes in front of him blocking his way.
Arnav groaned frustated, "Let me go!!!!!!!!"
The lights went off suddenly, Arnav and everyone looked around. Khushi appeared smiling and lighting the candles till she reaches to the last one which was near Arnav.
sukh dukh jhooThe
dhan bhi jhooTha
jhooThi moh-maaya
sachcha mann ka wo kona jahaan
prem ratan paaya

all the joys and sorrows are fake,
money is fake too,
all the worldly things are fake,
true is only that corner of the heart where
the gem of love is found..

She swirled in front of him singing, just like the way she swirled before when she was a kid.
Arnav smiled amused, he whispered: Beautiful..
She giggled and went running to the stage joining Lavanya, Payal and other girls.
The girls swirled and danced to the beats of the music.

ni ni sa sa re re sa sa...

paayo... paayo...
laayo... chhaayo
aayo... gaayo..

found it,
brought it, covered (me),
came.. sang..
I found it..
When the song was about to end, the family joined everyone on the stage. NK and Lavanya danced with each other, while Payash were still shy.

Mami and Mama pushed them to dance with each other. Ratna and Raj also joined.
"May no one cast an evil eye on our family.." Nani smiled while tears of happiness left her eyes.
Khushi left the stage and came running to Arnav, she smiled: Didn't I say to you that I will do something you will like??
Arnav nodded smiling: And I loved your dance..

Khushi shook her head, she pecked his cheek smiling: I was talking about this..

Arnav was still numb, still trying to register what happened and by that time Khushi went from there like a butterfly who committed a crime and ran to hide it.

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