Chapter 26 - I can marry you but..

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Khushi woke up rubbing her eyes, she looked at the sky smiling after remembering yesterday's happenings. She never ever thought Arnav would say that he loves her, and their family would agree without a second thought for their marriage.

There was a strange happiness inside her, as if she got her life again. A new fear of a new life, new relationship with Arnav, a new responsibility for her..Everything seem so new for her..

Here she thought that she would dance in her Di's wedding, and now she will dance in her wedding too.. What??.. Her marriage got finalized with Arnav!!!..She was getting married!!!

Khushi went to the mirror in her dresser looking at herself, "I've grown up really.. I never realized that time passed by, and I'm not a little baby anymore.. Now I'm going to get married.. and the great thing is that I will not have to leave my family.. I will be here with everyone especially with Arnav.."

"Pam pam pam pam.." Lavanya and Payal barged in her room, singing and dancing happily.

"What are both doing??" Khushi asked putting her hands on her hip.

"We came to take the bride to have her breakfast!" Payal said giggling.

"Very funny you both.. stop teasing me.." Khushi shook her head, and went to choose her clothes.

"Wear red, I heard it's bhaiya favorite color.." Lavanya said smirking.

"I will not wear red, it's his favorite. Why should I wear it??" Khushi pouted choosing a yellow and white salwar kamez for her.

"You will see she will wear red only if she loves bhaiya.." Payal whispered in Lav's hear who nodded smiling, and both went running from there.

Khushi looked at the red salwar, then at her yellow and white in her hand.

"If I wear red then he will like it na.." Khushi said to herself blushing, she picked the red salwar kameez and went to the bathroom to change.
At the breakfast table..
"We have so many things to do.. decoration, food, dance, haldi.. clothes how can I forget?? Where should we start from??" Ratna asked her family members, she massaged her forehead already taking stress.

"Mumma why are you worried about petty things? It will be done.. I will take care of this.." Arnav frowned.

"You're the groom beta.. you shouldn't work at all in your wedding, just enjoy.. we will do the necessary.." Ratna caressed his cheek.

"Yes, Arnav this is not AR where you can handle everything alone.. this is your marriage and you need everyone's help expect yours.." Raj giggled.

"That's true.. marriage is not AR.. here you're not the boss, but Khushi will be.. and you will be her you know Slave!!!" Mama laughed.

Arnav frowned: What the.. I will never be Khushi's slave..

"Who told you to be?" Khushi asked as she reached at the breakfast table.

Arnav turned to her, and was left speechless. He just kept staring at her not even bothering about his family's teasing smiles and coughs.

Rabba vee... Rabba vee...

Payal and Lavanya high five because Khushi wore red, this means she also loves Arnav!

Khushi gulped with the way Arnav was staring at her, she thought of the day he kissed her in here earlobe, she quickly went to sit to save herself from him.

Arnav blinked his eyes coming to the reality.

"We were telling him that he will not be boss anymore after marriage.. because you will control him bitiya.." Mami said clapping her hands, while Mama fumed in anger because he knows she is hinting this towards him.

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