Chapter 17 - Seeing you after years!

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After two days..
Ratna sat on the sofa satisfied after seeing her part done, she was supposed to make all the special and Arnav's favorites dishes with Mami and Radhika.

Raj shouted to the poor HP coming near her, "But HP do it quickly man.. do you want Arnav to reach here when you still didn't make his bed and changed the curtains.. Khushi already shifted her things to another room and here you are doing nothing!!"

HP nodded and went running to arrange Arnav's room.

Raj pouted: Have you finished your part Ratna??

Ratna smirked and nodded, "Off course.. I've finished it without anyone's help and here you're taking HP to help you and still haven't finished your work.."

"Haan yaar.. HP is not helping me at all.. and Manohar and Kabir are delaying with AR works, I don't know who will pick Arnav from the airport.." Raj pouted.

"But my girls team are very efficient, Lavanya and Payal almost finished decorating the living room and the work you assigned to HP, my team means Khushi already did that" Ratna said proudly.

"What?? Then why did you let HP go upstairs if you knew Khushi already arranged the room for Arnav?" Raj widened his eyes.

"He will come back na.. why hurry??" Ratna said and comfortably hugged a pillow and switched on the TV.

Lavanya and Payal giggled seeing their cute fight and they went running to Khushi's room to talk with her how excited they were for their bhaiya return.

Raj: You're doing this purposely for my team to lose..

Ratna shrugged her shoulders, "Even if I didn't, my girls team are winning already.."

NK came downstairs still with his night suit, rubbing his eyes cutely, "Good morning Uncle and Aunty.."

He smiled and went to kiss Ratna's cheeks, who caressed his cheeks in return smirking, "Dekha how lazy your boys team are.. this naughty only woke up now.."

Raj glared at NK. NK widened his eyes: OMG I forgot bhai is coming back today.. I'm sorry uncle..

Raj: No problem, now please do me a favor go and pick him in the airport with your car..

NK pouted: Uncle I still didn't had my breakfast, after that I will go to pick bhai okay..

NK ran to the kitchen to grab something to eat, while Aakash came downstairs and Raj looked at him.

"Where were you Akash??" Raj asked him.

Ratna giggled seeing how the boys team were disorganized and they were the clear winners of this challenge.

"I was helping Khushi to shift her things to the new room" Akash replied.

"Oh my god.. I'll become mad with this family, you were helping the girls team finish their task and what about our team??" Raj widened his eyes in shock.

Akash bit his lips embarrassed, "Sorry uncle.. actually.. I'll go and pick bhai now.."

"NO NEED.." the three heard a familiar voice coming from the door of the mansion.

Ratna looked at the door side, and her eyes filled with tears seeing her son after so many years in front of her.

"Arnav.." she whispered and stood up without wasting time, she went running to him.

Arnav also walked towards her and his eyes were moist also, after all staying away from your parents is the most difficult thing in this world. When you are with your parents, you are never scared of anything, because you know they are always there to protect and guide you, but when you're away from them you know that you're alone and you have to walk in a path where you have to face all the obstacles and never hide behind anyone.

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