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"Arnav let it be, they are just friends!!" Khushi followed her angry husband towards their room.
"Didn't you see Aashi doesn't want to be his friend? He's forcing her.. and on top of that he's a boy!!" Arnav rolled his eyes fuming in anger.
"You're exaggerating!! You also forced me to be your friend.." Khushi said.
"Really? Cute baby do you think I forced you??" he pulled her near him, wrapping his arms around her waist, with a guilty tone.
"No, I mean.. you didn't force me.. I accepted your friendship because you were good actually.." Khushi said not wanting to upset him.
"I was good.." he repeated with an unhappy tone. He was just good!!
"App bohot achche hain.. (you're very good).." Khushi smiled shyly, and kiss him on his cheek.
He smiled.
"Papa.." their two years old baby, Aashi came inside the room smiling.
Khushi quickly pushed Arnav shyly, Arnav smirked: Khushi it's Aashi only.. Not mumma..
Khushi pouted, she feels embarrassed even in front of her daughter. For her romance means, only she and Arnav.. no one should be around..
"Come here baby.." he raised his arms, and his cute daughter came running to him hugging him tightly.
Khushi smiled staring at them.
At the garden..
The family gathered around to let the kids play in the garden for a while. Arnav was holding his Aashi possessively, since Khushi's friend and her son were also present. And the boy liked his daughter. He seems only to give attention to Aashi and no one else. This irked him as a father, he doesn't like anyone near his daughter.
Khushi giggled seeing her possessive husband, "Let her play!!"
Arnav unwillingly let Aashi down, and as expected the boy, who was six years old Aarav came running to play with Aashi.
Aashi hid behind her father's leg, "Ahh boo (goo).." she scolded him cutely.
Khushi smiled surprised, she remembered how Arnav told her how she behaved with him in the first days.
Arnav smirked seeing his daughter not accept Aarav.
"I want to be your friend.." the boy said peeking to see Aashi.
"Naaah.." Aashi nodded sideways.
"Please let's be friends.." he pleaded.
"Naaaaaahh.." she shouted angry now.
"I'll not accept defeat.. I will you my friend.. Cute baby!!" he said and went back to his mother.
"Did you just saw that??" he asked to Khushi shocked.
"Haan, he called her Cute baby just like you called me!!" Khushi smiled.
"And you know where it lead too.. he wants to take my daughter away from me!!!" Arnav said jealous.
"Arnav she'll always be yours!!!" Khushi caressed his cheek lovingly.
Aashi joined her siblings, Aru (Payash's son) and Ankita (Anjali and Shyam's daughter) to play in the garden.
While everyone sat on a piece of cloth they brought and start serving food for everyone.
"Mom can I go and play with Aashi??" Aarav asked his mother, while Arnav sighed.
"Yeah.. go on.." Khushi's friend smiled and patted him to go.
Sometime later..
One of Arnav's models in AR came to him, she smiled brightly and hugged him tightly in a loud manner, "Hi ASR.."
"Hi Sheena.." Arnav smiled not hugging her back, because his wife was already glaring at him.
"What are you doing here?" Sheena asked.
"We came to watch our daughter play in the garden.. look there.." Khushi interrupted showing to Sheena that he's married and they have a daughter also.
"Oh!! Not bad ahn ASR.. you have a daughter but still you're handsome, hot and young!!" Sheena winked at him.
Arnav faked a smile he knew Khushi would be angry with him today, "Thanks!!"
"Acha bye.. See you in AR soon.." Sheena smiled and went from there. Arnav sighed in relief, he turned to Khushi, but she already disappeared from there.
"What the.." he muttered.
"Go and pacify your Cute baby.." Ratna said smiling.
"Why do you keep in talks with these modelwa beta?" Mami asked.
"Just to make my Doll angry.." Nani glared at him.
NK-Lav, Payal-Aakash, Shyam-Anjali giggled at the poor Arnav.
"I don't do it purposely, I work with them so I have to talk with them.." Arnav said glaring at them, "Where did Cute baby go??"
"That side.." Raj pointed with his fingers.
"Thanks Dad.. you're the only one who helps me here.." he said pouting, and went running to pacify his Cute baby.
"Aashi.." Aarav patted her shoulder trying to gain her attention, Aashi looked at him and as soon as she realized it's him she went running to hide behind Aru.
Then peeked to see him.
Aarav was making funny faces to her, she giggled softly. Then he made angry faces thinking that she was enjoying but this one scare her. She started crying.
He ran to her, "Oh baby.. I'm so sorry.. I'm really sorry.. I didn't want to make you cry.. please stop.."
Aashi cry more.
He started making funny faces in attempt to make her laugh again, and he saw Aashi looking at him, she stopped crying and small smile was appearing on her face again.
He sighed in relief. Aru and Ankita joined him to see the funny faces he was making to see Aashi smiling.
"Cute baby.." Arnav reached to a sobbing Khushi, he tried to hug her but she pushed him away.
"You smiled to her right??" Khushi asked angrily, still she was looking cute.
"You're all red baby.." Arnav cupped her face, "Calm down.. she's just a model.."
"You're handsome.. hot.. and young.. how dare she say this in front of me??" Khushi said, "Am I ugly and old then??"
"No, you're this world most beautiful woman.." he dropped a kiss on her forehead.
Khushi started melting, this is how her heart is. She can't stay upset with him for so long.
"You saw that I smile to her, but you failed to see that I didn't hug her back.." he said.
Khushi blinked her eyes, "You're maintaining a distance with them as I asked to??"
Arnav nodded and took her favorite candies from his pocket, "I am Cute baby... I can do anything for you.."
Khushi smiled brightly and took the candies from his hand, "Thank you Arnav.. and I trust you but I'm little bit jealous!! Aap sirf mere hain.."
"I am only yours.." he brushed his nose against her, Khushi did the same blushing.
"Aashi.. please be my friend now.. you smiled also.." Aarav said hopeful.
Aashi stood thinking whether to accept him in her life or not. She still seemed not convinced.
"Okay.. wait.." he took from his pocket candies for her.
Aashi's eyes lit up in happiness seeing candies.
"Candies.." she said.
"Yes candies..take them.. it's only for you.." Aarav said.
Aashi took all the candies from his hand smiling, "Fliends.. (Friends)" she said accepting his friendship.
Aarav jumped up and down in happiness when she said that.
Arnav and Khushi returned chatting casually now.
"You can't be this good to him Khushi.. you always forgive him.." Ratna scolded her.
"Mumma I can't be angry with Arnav.. he loves me a lot!!" Khushi said innocently.
"Aww.." everyone said. Arnav side hugged tightly smiling, he can't lose this precious diamond in his life, can he??
"Uncle.." Aarav patted his leg, and looked up to him with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah.." Arnav looked to him.
"Aashi is my Cute baby now!!! She's my friend.." Aarav exclaimed.
"What the.." Arnav said staring at his daughter happily with candies in her hand. He turned to Khushi, who shrugged her shoulders.
"It's our story again.." she said smiling.
"I just hope he keeps my daughter, the way I did with you!" Arnav said.
"Off course he will!" Khushi said.
"How do you know??" he asked.
"I know it.."
Aashi went running to play again with the bench swing, but she was about to fall. Aarav saw that and ran to save her, he reached in time and grab her managing to save her before she falls.
Khushi smiled, while Arnav was surprised with this boy!

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