Chapter 9 - Girlfriend?

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"Arnav where are you going?" Ratna asked him walking towards the door.

"Mumma.. I'm not a baby anymore.." Arnav rolled his eyes.

"But I will be worried for you.. At least tell me where are you going?" Ratna smiled.

"Please take me with you Arnav.." Khushi came running to the living room and cling to Arnav.

"No.." Arnav nodded sideways, caressing her hair.

Ratna raised her eyebrows: Why not? Ohh.. Oh my God.. Stop everything.. Arnav do you have a girlfriend?? Are you going on a date?

Ratna smiled excitedly, if he said yes now. She would prove him wrong today because he said he hates girls.

"I'm only Arnav's girlfriend mumma.. He doesn't talk much with other girls.." Khushi said innocently.

"Hain na Arnav? Did you find another girlfriend?" she looked at him with big teary eyes.

Arnav nodded sideways.

Ratna: Khushi the girlfriend I'm talking about it's different..

"Different?" Khushi looked at her confused.

"Different means.. Arnav can have many friends as he wants, be it boys and girls.. But we call Girlfriend the girl that is special to him.." Ratna explained to Khushi.

Khushi blinked her eyes, "So if a boy is special to me then he is my boyfriend?"

Arnav slapped her lips lightly, "No, don't even think about it.."

Ratna giggled staring at Arnav protective of his Cute baby.

"I swear Raj doesn't look like Khushi's father as much as you do Arnav.." Ratna said giggling.

Khushi held Arnav's hand, "Don't be angry Arnav.. Only you're my only friend and special too..this means you're my boyfriend right??.. But.. why do you have a girlfriend? .. I don't want you to have a girlfriend, I don't want you to give attention to any other girl other than me.. Please don't have a girlfriend.. Am I not special to you?"

Arnav smiled, "I don't have a girlfriend Baby.. Mumma is talking her things. Don't believe her words.."

Ratna smiled staring at Khushi, who still didn't understood the difference between a friend and a girlfriend, for her what's important is to be in Arnav's priority list and nothing else..

"Then where are you going?" Khushi looked up to him.

"I'm going to play basketball with my friends.." he replied showing her his ball.

Ratna rolled her eyes, "As usual!!"

"Please take me too.. I want to see you playing basketball.." Khushi pleaded him.

"No Khushi.. I will play with you here when I come back.." Arnav said.

Khushi looked down sad and went from there running.

Ratna: Why can't you take her with you Arnav? See you hurt her innocent poor heart.. You know Khushi is different from your siblings.. She doesn't talk much with anyone other than you in this house, you can't break her heart like this..

"I can't take her mumma.. All my friends will be there and they will keep pinching her cheeks or smiling to her and say she is cute.. and blah blah.. I don't like.." Arnav said.

Ratna laughed at his explanation, "Jealous boy.."

"I'm not jealous.. I know my Baby is mine.." Arnav shrugged his shoulders.

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