Giving them a tour of your castle chap. 2

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Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - my name is Queen Elementa Trident Star Ela is my nickname and its short for Elementa I am 99,000,000 years old and I am from the Elemental Planet, the Elemental Kingdom yes I am royalty after all in fact I becane queen at age 18 then 81,000,000 years later I am still queen.

China (Yao Wang) - wait your way older than us aru?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - yes I am I been around way before my uncle created Earth and you guys and those creatures you call "pets" oh and before you continue I have a few secrets I only want you guts to know and also promise me you guys won't tell humans about my secrets.

All 14 countries & 1 micronation - we promise that we won't tell the humans about your secrets Ela.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - good now have you guys heard of the Elemental Star?

*they all nod they're heads yes*

All 15 - yes we have Ela why?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - well I am Elemental Star and I am a Greek Mythology Queen Warrior Goddess I have weapons and a superhero suit and I also know and possess magic like Arthur.

Japan (Kiku Honda) - Era-chan so what is being a superhero and royarty like to you?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - well its complicated because I am always busy and always training a lot and rescuing the whole galaxy from my enemy the Elemental Destroyer but I came here to hide from him he wants me dead because of reasons I rather not speak of and none of you will ask me until I am ready.

America (Alfred F. Jones) - oh my god you are awesome I love superheroes in fact they inspire me to become a hero for my country.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - let me guess you have posters of all the superheroes on your wall in your chamber.

America (Alfred F. Jones) - you mean my bedroom then yes I do including you.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - on my planet we say chambers oh and I never sleep, eat and drink anything at all.


England (Arthur Kirkland) - did you just got your magic love?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - one no I didn't just get my magic I was born with magic and my powers on my planet next month's my birthday I don't celebrate my birthday because something bad happened the next day after my birthday.

China (Yao Wang) - tell us what happened after you were born aru?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - no I don't like talking about them since I never had, seen and heard them my whole life of a Greek Mythology Queen Warrior Goddess I wonder if they what you humans called it loved me or hated me.

Japan (Kiku Honda) - Era-chan your parents probabry roved you with arr they're hearts because they probabry protected you from an enemy.

Thanos - oh what a lovely day for making new friends right Ela.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - wait oh no Thanos.

Thanos - yep I am here so why are you on Earth Ela.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - leave them alone now Thanos they aren't involved with this its between you and me.

America (Alfred F. Jones) - dudette who is this and why is he here?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - oh Kiku thank you anyway how would you like a tour of my castle boys and I have rules also so I want you boys to listen well and obey my rules ok. And boys this is an ild enemy of mine Thanos and he is here because he wants this planet and me dead and also looking for 6 special colored stones that has a special thing about it.

North Italy (Feliciano Vargas) - ve~ si.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - good now lets go to my castle *a few hours later you guys arrive outside of your castle* well here we are welcome to the my castle the Star Castle boys.

All 15 - wow Ela you are amazing.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - thank you now rule #1 is respect my whole staff even me, rule #2 is don't go below my basement and the attic and my chamber, rule #3 is don't throw festivals without my permission, rule #4 is don't bring humans and people I don't know/like and rule #5 is always clean up your mess and also keep volumes down got it and that is the end of our tour.

*you say while saying the rules and giving them a tour and about to introduce them to your staff which you have a butler 3 chefs and 6 maids*

China (Yao Wang) - Ela now that you gave us a tour what now aru?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - I will intoduce you guys to my butler, 3 chefs and 6 maids they are done doing the chores I gave them now they are in the living room follow me.

*you lead the 15 human countries to your living room since you guys were on the 5th floor to introduce them to your staff arriving and going in the living room*

Fredrick Fire (chef #1) - who are these boys Ela?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - Fredrick Fire, Fredrina Fire, Freddy Fire, Wanda Wind, Wendy Wind, Wednesday Wind, Wyna Wind, Wayna Wind, Wilanda Wind and Elijah Earth this is Alfred F. Jones aka America, Arthur Kirkland aka England, Feliciano Vargas aka North Italy, Lovino 'Romano' Vargas aka South Italy, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo aka Spain, Ludwig Beilschmidt aka Germany, Francis Bonnefoy aka France, Matthew Williams aka Canada, Gilbert Beilschmidt aka Prussia, Ivan Braginski aka Russia, Peter Kirkland aka Sealand, Matthias Kohlr aka Dennark, Yao Wang aka China, Roderich Edelstein aka Austria and Kiku Honda aka Japan Alfred F. Jones aka America, Arthur Kirkland aka England, Feliciano Vargas aka North Italy, Lovino 'Romano' Vargas aka South Italy, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo aka Spain, Ludwig Beilschmidt aka Germany, Francis Bonnefoy aka France, Matthew Williams aka Canada, Gilbert Beilschmidt aka Prussia, Ivan Braginski aka Russia, Peter Kirkland aka Sealand, Matthias Kohlr aka Dennark, Yao Wang aka China, Roderich Edelstein aka Austria and Kiku Honda aka Japan this is Fredrick Fire, Fredrina Fire, Freddy Fire, Wanda Wind, Wendy Wind, Wednesday Wind, Wyna Wind, Wayna Wind, Wilanda Wind and Elijah Earth the Fire triplets are my chefs, the Wind six are my maids and Earth is my butler now let me show you to your new rooms which is on the 8th floor since my room is 801 Alfred across from me which is room 802, 803 is Arthur, 804 is Matthew across from Arthur, 805 is Yao next to Arthur, Francis is room 806, room 807 is Ivan, room 808 is Sealand, room 809 is Feliciano, room 810 is Lovino, room 811 is Ludwig, room 812 is Antonio, room 813 is Roderich, room 814 is Matthias, room 815 is Gilbert and room 816 is Kiku the staff floor is the 3rd floor.

England (Arthur Kirkland) - is there a secret room in my room for me to practice my magic?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - yes there is my castle has a lot of hidden rooms oh and of course passages oh and I can engrave your names on your bedroom doors so you guys know which room is yours.

Germany (Ludwig Beilschmidt) - zhat is a good idea Ela but how?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - I know some of my people who are wood carpenter's that can do that I already called them and they will be here tomorrow morning to engrave your names on your bedroom doors don't worry we should train in the morning so we can be occupied and no protests you'll just workout while I wait for you guys to train with you guys ok.

*all 15 human countries nod yes*

All 15 - yes Ela.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - good get some rest training starts at 5 a.m. you guys can rest now I will patrol the city in case of criminals if not I will be back and if you need anything call for Elijah my butler he'll get it for you or if you have a question about me for him he'll do his best to answer it.

Attack On Titan and Hetalia meets a Greek Mythology Queen Warrior Goddess from Where stories live. Discover now