Going back to your planet with Yao and getting pregnant chap. 11

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Priest - do you Yao Wang take Queen Elementa Trident Star as your lofty wedded wife to have, to hold, to cherish, to love as long as you both shall live in sickness and in health?

Yao Wang (China) - I do.

Priest - and do you Queen Elementa Trident Star take Yao Wang as you lofty wedded husband to have, to hold, to cherish, to love as long as you both shall live in sickness and in health?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - I do.

Priest - by the power bested in me and god I shall pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss your bride.

*Yao happily lifts your veil up and kisses you after your wedding are on that you both put on each other*


King Yao Wang (China) - Wǒ ài nǐ I love you Ela my queen aru.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Wang aka Elemental Star - I love you too Yao my king.

King Yao Wang (China) - hey Ela uh do you think we should live in your castle on you homeplanet aru?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Wang aka Elemental Star - yes my king before I tell Heimdall to transport us to my homeplanet I want you to hug me as tightly as you want when we are at the BiFrost entrance gate I will be able to introduce you to the BiFrost gate opener, my two uncles, my servants, my people in the village and my cousins ok.

King Yao Wang (China) - shi aru.

*Yao wraps his arms around you tightly and you say*

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Wang aka Elemental Star - Heimdall open the BiFrost and get us now.

*Heimdall opens the BiFrost on you two leaving the famous mark on the grass you arrive at the entrance of the BiFrost gate with Heimdall staring at you two and smiling*

*Heimdall opens the BiFrost on you two leaving the famous mark on the grass you arrive at the entrance of the BiFrost gate with Heimdall staring at you two and smiling*

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Heimdall - your majesty welcome back who is this Ela?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Wang aka Elemental Star - Heimdall this is King Yao Wang he is a human personification country of China he is also my husband now King Yao Wang this is the BiFrost gate opener Heimdall.

King Yao Wang (China) - ni hao aru its nice to meet you Heimdall aru.

Heimdall - its nice to meet you too King Yao anyway would you like to surprise Hades and Zeus like you did a hundred years ago but this time with Yao Ela?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Wang aka Elemental Star - yes Heimdall I do.

*after you say that you grab Yao's hand and hug him then teleport to your homeplanet after arriving at your homeplanet*

King Yao Wang (China) - what is this planet aru?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Wang aka Elemental Star - welcome to my 8 homeplanet called the Elemental Planet, the Elemental Kingdom Yao it is not just my planet since your a god now and a king this is also your kingdom, castle and people to rule.

King Yao Wang (China) - where do your two uncles and four cousins usually hang out when your not here aru?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Wang aka Elemental Star - well my two uncles would either be in my library, movie room, living room or in my well our garden and my two cousins at Asgard in they're chambers or in Earth and my other two cousins in they're Fortress of Solitude's they are actually neighbors or on Earth in Metropolis right now my two uncles are in our garden so lets go and surprise them.

*you and Yao teleport to your garden seeibg you two uncles and your cousins there talking and laughing and smiling so you two walk over to them and Loki sees you two and you ask*

Loki Laufeyson - well Thor brother we all miss Ela she has been gobe for a hundred years.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Wang aka Elemental Star - guess who is back and I brought my husband?

*they all but Loki jump looking behind them to see you and a Chinese male*

Hades - Ela your back who is this?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Wang aka Elemental Star - yep and this is King Yao Wang he is a human personification country of China he is also my husband King Yao Wang this is my uncles Hades, uncle Zeus my cousins Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Kal-El aka Superman and Kala-El aka Supergirl he is now a god like me before we start dating I had Loki perform a spell so he can be a god like us except Kala-El and Kal-El you two are superhumans I alao did a spell to transfer most of my powers to him but I still have all of my powers and now he is a superhero named the Elemental Dragon.

*after introducing the new king of the Elemental Planet, the Elemental Kingdom you give Yao a tour and Yao memorized the whole castle even the throne room to which then has a few thrones two in the front which is for you and Yao the other thrones for the princesses and princes you then lead Yao to your shared chamber which looks like this*

*after introducing the new king of the Elemental Planet, the Elemental Kingdom you give Yao a tour and Yao memorized the whole castle even the throne room to which then has a few thrones two in the front which is for you and Yao the other thrones ...

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King Yao Wang (China) - Ela do you wanna make babies?

Queen Elementa 'Ea' Trident Wang aka Elemental Star - sure.

*you two lived in your planet for 20 years and had intercourse to which your pregnant with twins a boy and a girl to which you named Princess Yang Wang and Prince Yan Wang then 10 years later you had intercourse again to which your pregnant with twins a boy and a girl again to wgich you named them Princess Elaria Wang and Elario Wang they grew up knowing that they are half countries and half gods/goddesses they are also half chinese and half greek and are also warriors and they become superheroes like they're parents and they also learn other countries and languages and also Yao told them stories of tge adventures you two had and how you defeated and killed titans and your enemy one time on you day off you and Yao took the kids to Earth to introduce tgem to the Hetalia human personification countries dimension including Hitman Jones; Captain Arthur Kirkland and Captain Antonio Fernandez Carriedo and the Attack on Titan gang dimension and also introduced them to the 2p human personification countries and you guys lived happily ever after The End*

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