Meeting Hitman Jones America's brother chap. 8

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Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - Alfred what is taking so long?

Alfred F. Jones (America) - Ela you might wanna come and see who's here.

*you walk to the front door and see the 2p's with Oliver smiling when he sees you and also Flavio*

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - Alfred can you go back inside and also don't spy on us even the others?

Alfred F. Jones (America) - yes Ela dudette.

*Alfred goes in and tells the others to not spy on you and the 2p's you step out and then close the door and ask the 2p's to walk but say a spell to protect Flavio and his clothes so they won't get ripped and stained yoy and the 2p's walk in the woods and you turn around and ask*

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - what are you guys doing here.


Allen F. Jones (2p America) - well doll we wanna come visit and talk to you about something.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - Allen F. Jones what did I tell you about calling me that stupid and ridiculous human nickname?

James Williams (2p Canada) - Ela just told you out would you like some ice on that burn, eh.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - anyway what did you guys wanna talk to me about?

Oliver Kirkland (2p England) - its good to meet you as a person and not as a hologram poppet.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - Oliver I told you not to call me poppet besides its a spiritual projection.

Yan Wang (2p China) - what does Spiritual Projection mean?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - it means that my spirit or soul is having an out of body experience.

Oliver Kirkland (2p England) - your crazy poppet.

*all the 2p's look at you like your crazy*

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - what Dr. Strange came to visit me when he had to stop some alien from destroying Earth and when I asked the samething he said 'its when your soul or spirit is having an out of body experience' and I finally got it and that is how I learned of a human word or phrase.

Kuro Honda (2p Japan) - hai anyway what have you been up to Era?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - nothing just stopped Earth from being destroyed and taken over by an old enemy of mine with the help of the Hetalia human personification countries and the Attack on Titan gang and also going to the Attack on Titan gang's dimension to defeat an army of Titans and saying a spell to turn Eren from being a Titan to himself as a human for the rest of his life and also training the Hetalia human personification countries, my four cousins and the Attack on Titan gang for the battle of they're lives while saving Earth at the same time.

Flavio Vargas (2p Romano) - Ela you-a look fabulous as always-a.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - thank you Flavio.

Flavio Vargas (2p Romano) - your welcome-a bella.

Luciano Vargas (2p Italy) - anyway-a Ela how are your zios?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - well their doing fantastic they are actually gonna look and take care of my kingdom, citizens/people and castle while I am here for a while until I bring back someone worthy of being my husband and have children with him here on my planet and kingdom and castle so until then my uncle Hades will be looking after and taking care of my kingdom, citizens/people and castle.

*after you talk for a bit while they walk you home Kuro and Yan are mentally blushing and day dreams about you*

James Williams (2p Canada) - hey Ela.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - yes James what is it?

James Williams (2p Canada) - if you had to pick between villain or hero which side would you pick if you were not a new superhero at all?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - well it depends if I can control my powers and my demons I have created in my brain but if I gain control of my powers and demons I would probably be a bit of a villain and hero because of my temper you know me not having emotions and you know that I hate physical contact and I like my personal space.

*you guys arrive and you say bye and go in the house after your old friends the 2p's leave you turn around and see America with someone who looks like him but without glasses and his military uniform this male has blue paint that is of stripes on his right side of his face, a bowtie, white shirt and suspenders clipped to his black pants*

Unfamiliar male that has blue paint that is of stripes on his right side of his face, a bowtie, white shirt and a pair of suspenders clipped to his black pants - um hello my name is Hitman Jones Alfred's brother except I am an assassin.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - hello Hitman Jones my name is Queen Elementa Trident Star but call me Ela I am also Elemental Star I am from another planet called the Elemental Planet, the Elemental Kingdom and I am a Greek Mythology Queen Warrior Goddess.

Attack On Titan and Hetalia meets a Greek Mythology Queen Warrior Goddess from Where stories live. Discover now