Seeing the 2p hetalia countries again chap. 7

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*after your cousins leave you guys go to your replica of your castle*

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - well this might be it but its not a goodbye its a see you later so see you soon boys Heimdall open the BiFrost to my planet now.

*Heimdall opens the BiFrost gate to your planet before you go in you wave to the countries and Attack on Titan gang and they wave you go in and once your through the BiFrost gate you see Heimdall he bows in your respect*

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - hello Heimdall good to see you again.

Heimdall - we are glad your back welcome back my queen.


Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - yes its good to be back I need to talk to my two uncles about something.

Heimdall - they are in the garden outside if your castle my queen.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - ok and the battle with the Elemental Destroyer and his Kitary army is over we all are finally free from him and what put us through well thanks again for everything you do for us all Heimdall even openibg the BiFrost so we can go to planet Earth now.

Heimdall - your welcome I have been the BiFrost gate opener my whole life uh ever since I was a young boy.

Queen Elementa'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - ok now I will see you in a bit bye.

*you leave the gate opening building and fly over the rainbow bridge and land on your planet outside your castle and go to the garden and see your two uncles and sneak behind them after going invisible and stand behind them and hear what they are saying before going visible again*

Zeus - I miss our niece Ela I wonder when she'll be back and if we won and are free from the Elemental Destroyer?

Hades - I agree with you little brother I do miss our niece.

*you go visible again and say*

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - why don't you ask her yourself uncle Zeus and uncle Hades.

*your two uncles jump and turn around and see you they smile and wants to hug you*

Hades - your back so did we win, are we all free from the Elemental Destroyer? We missed you Ela.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - well after I landed on Earth and secretly used a spell to build a replica of my castle here for there faster I met a group of human personification countries of the planet Earth and then met a group of titan fighting humans that kills bad titans for a living so I saved them first before we battled the Elemental Destroyer and we won so we are free from the Elemental Destroyer I destroyed the Kitary's planet surprisingly I had a lot of what humans call it fun and I like the planet Earth can I stay there until I bring back someone worthy of being my husband and have children with him here on my planet and kingdom and castle?

Zeus - what about your royal queen things?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - well for now one of you can take over my ruling until I bring back someone worthy of being my husband and have children with him here on my planet and kingdom and castle I will also be Elemental Star on Earth from now on.

Hades - well Zeus your the King of Olympus I can take over with ruling Ela's castle until she brings back a human worthy of being her husband and have his children here on her planet and kingdom and castle.

Attack On Titan and Hetalia meets a Greek Mythology Queen Warrior Goddess from Where stories live. Discover now