You meet Pirate Iggy and Conqueror Antonio chap. 9

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*after you talk for a bit while they walk you home Kuro and Yan are mentally blushing and day dreams about you*

James Williams (2p Canada) - hey Ela.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - yes James what is it?

James Williams (2p Canada) - if you had to pick between villain or hero which side would you pick if you were not a new superhero at all?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - well it depends if I can control my powers and my demons I have created in my brain but if I gaon control of my powers and demons I would probably be a bit of a villain and hero because of my temper you know me not having emotions and you know that I hate physical contact and I like my personal space.

*you guys arrive and you say bye and go in the house after your old friends the 2p's leave you turn around and see America with someone who looks like him but without glasses and his military uniform this male has blue paint that is of stripes on his right side of his face, a bowtie, white shirt and suspenders clipped to his black pants*

Unfamiliar male that has blue paint that is of stripes on his right side of his face, a bowtie, white shirt and a pair of  suspenders clipped to his black pants - hello my name is Hitman Jones Alfred's brother except I am an assassin.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - hello Hitman Jones my name is Queen Elementa Trident Star but call me Ela I am also Elemental Star I am from another planet called the Elemental Planet, the Elemental Kingdom and I am a Greek Mythology Queen Warrior Goddess.


Hitman Jones - wow a superhero from another planet you do know that my older brother Alfred loves to meet superheroes like you he also wants to be a superhero someday.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - is it normal for him to be like this?

Hitman Jones - all the time why?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - because he calls himself the hero even ever since I first landed on Earth.

Hitman Jones - oh anyway I heard of the Battle of Elemental Destroyer who is that by the way?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - the Elemental Destroyer he is my enemy he kills my people the first ancestor of the Elemental Destroyer killed all my ancestors then the second ancestor of the Elemental Destroyer tried to kill my parents but failed when my uncles and parents team up and well you know defeated him then the last ancestor of the Elemental Destroyer killed my parents the day I was born so I vowed to protect my people well citizens and the humans of Earth and save the whole galaxy from him it was revenge for my parents deaths I also isoalted myself in my chamber in my castle which is the one your in right now actually its a replica of my original castle now I defeated the Kitary army and the Elemental Destroyer with the help of the human personification countries and the Attack on Titan gang and my cousins.

Hitman Jones - you never had parents to take care of you at all before?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - well my two uncles raised and took care of me but since I isolated myself in my chamber inn my castle and that I never left until that day I came to Earth for the first time anyway I am going for a walk on the beach.

Hitman Jones - ok be careful and be back before dark so you can sleep.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - one I am a Greek Mythology Queen Warrior Goddess I don't sleep, drink and eat at all on my homeplanet or immune system is way different from your immune system we are good at living without sleep,  drinks and food but we do have our people working human jobs but we have better tools, medicine and furniture making also wood carving for anything like names for who sleeps in what chamber well I gotta go  bye nice meeting you Hitman Jones.

*you walk out and go and walk to the beach then start walking during your walk you hear two voices but with pirate accents to it and then suddenly two hands wrap around both of your wrists*

Unfamilar pirate male with an eyepatch on his left eye while the other is emerald he also has a hook on one hand and a sword in the right side of his waist - hello love what are ye doing here lass?

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Unfamilar pirate male with an eyepatch on his left eye while the other is emerald he also has a hook on one hand and a sword in the right side of his waist - hello love what are ye doing here lass?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - who are you two?

Unfamilar pirate male with an eyepatch on his left eye while the other is emerald he also has a hook on one hand and a sword in the right side of his waist - my apologies love my name is Captain Arthur Kirkland I am feared and fierest pirate of the seven seas love.

Unfamiliar pirate male with green eyes, tan skin, old school pirate clothes holding a battle axe - hola chica my name is Captain Antonio Fernandez Carriedo conqueror and also feared pirate of the seven seas.

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - oh um hello my name is Queen Elementa Trident Star a Greek Mythology Queen Warrior Goddess from the Elemental Planet, the Elemental Kingdom but please do call me Ela for short I am also a superhero named Elemental Star.

Captain Antonio Fernandez Carriedo of the seven seas - I have heard of you my mama used to tell me legends, stories and myths about you I didn't know you are real and we also heard of the Battle of Elemental Destroyer who won?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - the Hetalia human personification countries, Attack on Titans gang, my cousin and me I killed the Elemental Destroyer.

Captain Arthur Kirkland - have you ever been on a pirate ship before Ela?

Queen Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star aka Elemental Star - what is a pirate and a pirate ship?

Attack On Titan and Hetalia meets a Greek Mythology Queen Warrior Goddess from Where stories live. Discover now