Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers | Not us

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plot: Five years after the snap, Natasha finds out what happened to Clint. Steve tries comforting his friend and ends up telling her that some people move on, but not them. To somehow ease the pain, they have a domestic evening together.

 To somehow ease the pain, they have a domestic evening together

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"Sure you don't want that sandwich?" Natasha forced herself to smile, hoping that it would disguise the tears still filling her eyes

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"Sure you don't want that sandwich?" Natasha forced herself to smile, hoping that it would disguise the tears still filling her eyes.

"Well, if you insist" Steve shrugged, eyeing the food. It wasn't until he took a bite that he actually realised how hungry he was. "It's alright. Thanks."

"Do you even eat from time to time?" the ginger asked, trying as hard as possible to focus on something different than the news she had received from Rhodey. Hopefully, Steve's arrival would make things easier.

"When I don't forget" the Captain offered her a tired smile. "Have you been dancing again?" He glanced at the pair of ballet shoes Natasha kept under the desk.

"Yeah, sort of... It keeps me distracted." Although it reminded the young woman of the cruel training she went through, practicing ballet helped her to unleash some of the emotions she couldn't possibly express otherwise. "How's the support group?"

"They're holding on, trying to be themselves again. A guy went on a date. I just hope that they won't forget to live because of the ones they lost," Steve said, looking at Natasha. Under the dim lights of the living room, he appeared drained, exhausted from the endless wars and losses.

"You said we don't move on," Natasha repeated his words. "But what if we try? It doesn't mean we give up the fight. But we could do something... Nice?" she asked, smiling a little.

She didn't think the events would take such a turn, but, after all, why not try? She had enough of hurting by herself. Together, chances were the pain would be less hard to handle.

"What do you mean?" Steve raised his eyebrows.

"I mean, go get your old records, Cap. I'll get the wine and bring some more sandwiches. Meeting on the couch in 5 minutes."

Steve opened his mouth as to retort, but after giving it some thought, he sighed and smiled at the ginger. "Fine."

Natasha fled to the kitchen while the Captain did as told, bringing his old record-player and stack of records from his room; he used to listen to them a lot back in his old apartment, or back in the 40s. Steve settled the objet on the table beside the couch Natasha and him were supposed to meet on, being cautious to leave some room for the food.

"Nat, you choose the music" he called as she came in, carrying a plate of sandwiches and a bottle of wine. Steve went back to get two glasses.

They settled on the couch after Natasha had rummaged through the records, selecting one with a name she found appealing.

"So, when did this one get out?" she asked, pouring wine in their glasses.

"I gotta say... 1937" A small smile was creeping up Steve's lips as he pondered. "Wait, no, 1938! Definitely 1938."

"Sometimes I forget you're that old," Natasha laughed, picking a sandwich from the plate.

"Not everybody has the chance to live up to a hundred" Steve shook his head, bittersweetness taking over his curved lips.

Natasha had a mouthful, letting her head rest on the couch. Thankfully some blankets had been forgotten in a corner of the piece of furniture, which she spread on her and Steve's legs. They remained silent for a moment, eating and listening to the soothing jazz music.

"How come we've never done this before?" Natasha asked at last.

"I don't know," Steve smiled at her, looking a lot more peaceful than he usually was. "But it's nice."

"It is," Natasha said sincerely. "Cheers." She raises her glass. "Hey, when was the last time you watched a movie?"

"I may be old, but I still enjoy those" Steve assured. "But yeah, it's been a while."

"Okay, we're watching a movie" Natasha asserted, getting up to fetch a piece of equipment from one of the shelves nearby. "Let's see... I'm sure Bruce has a lot of movies... He may even have some of Tony's. Here they are..." She manipulated the gadget until a wide digital screen arose. "Got it! I guess I'm choosing the movie too..."

Steve finished his sandwich, observing curiously, then turned the record-player off. After some more manipulation from Natasha, a film started playing on the screen. The young woman went back to the couch, refilling her glass, and crawled back under the blankets.

Progressively, the ginger's head ended up pressed against Steve shoulder, and although the Captain had felt embarrassed at first, the feeling quickly went away. He was lucky to have Natasha by his side, one of his best friends.

Of course, listening to music and watching movies could never make them forget the horror that had happened, but it was sufficient to lighten up an otherwise torturing evening of remembering their failures. At least, they kept their minds off Thanos for a couple of hours. At least, they were in this together, and knew that they would keep going as long as they had each other.

i miss these two so much... endgame left me broken

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