Eddie Brock, Venom and Anne | Moving out

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Music: Seven, Sleeping at Last

"You're sad, Eddie."

The journalist only sighed lightly, leaving Venom's remark hanging in the air.

He didn't need to answer, the symbiote precisely knowing what was going on inside his brain. And he wasn't in the mood for talking, even with his monstrous companion.

Eddie picked up another crate, carrying it to the entrance of his flat which was strewn with nearly ten other wooden containers. He'd been fiddling with boxes the entire morning, having only taken a break to satisfy Venom's hunger — one of the young man's goals, as laborious as it sounded, was to make them grow to like sandwiches and fruits.

"We could help you" Venom commented again, still inside Eddie's head.

"Thanks, but I'm good."

"No, you're boring" the symbiote corrected grumpily. Although Eddie couldn't see them, he was clearly able to feel their annoyance.

"You said it yourself, I'm sad, so now can you leave me in my boring state of mind?" the brunette responded sharply, dropping his crate by the door. It landed on the floor with a loud creak.

"We don't like getting inside your brain. Too negative. But you're giving us no choice" Venom grouched, then the room became silent again.

Before the symbiote and him had any kind of bond, Eddie would've been frightened by the thought of someone reading his mind, but he was almost used to it now. Venom had actually even been fun to talk to.

"You haven't told us we were leaving" if the reporter could see Venom's face, they would probably be frowning.  

"Thought you'd guess it" he shrugged.

"We told you we don't like getting inside your brain. Your sadness isn't good for us."

Eddie opened the nearest window, catching a sugary whiff from the bakery down the street, and began piling up the crates. The fresh air made him feel a bit better.

"Wait" he suddenly paused, straightening up. "What did you think the crates were for?"

"Weird human way to have fun."

Eddie chuckled at Venom's confusion. After months on Earth, there were still a lot of human things they couldn't comprehend.

The journalist kept on working, packing up smaller objects such as lamps, books, his coffee-machine and toaster; his suitcase and backpack would come last. He was going to leave San Francisco, and it felt like a big change. That's what Eddie believed he needed. What they needed.

"You should tell her" Venom's voice arose from within after a while. They had surely been steeped in Eddie's constant missing-Anne-but-not-going-to-tell-her-about-it overthinking. "Get her back."

"We're not getting her back" he refused. It wasn't about that anymore.


"She doesn't need me" he explained, finishing his task. "She's happy with Dan."

"We can eat Dan" Venom argued. "Bite his head off."

"No, we don't do that!"

"But if he dies, she can love you again."

"No, that's not how things work. She's my friend now" Eddie brushed dust off his hands after setting the last crate. "You see, when you really love someone, you care for them. That also means being happy for them even when you're not the one to make them happy, okay?"

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