Steve Rogers x reader pt. 3 | All it takes to be happy

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"I talked to Sam," he ran a hand through his hair, the corners of his mouth stretching even wider. "And he convinced me to adopt a therapy dog. Y/n, I'm adopting a dog!"


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"Good morning," Steve smiled from the kitchen as you entered the room, lazily bundled in the warm scent of his flannel. The swingy melody of one of his 40's records was playing from the living room, filling the apartment with a light kind of cheerfulness you were well-accustomed to. Living with Steve Rogers included a lot of music and clumsy dancing, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

"Good morning," you smiled back, fondly kissing him hello. "You should've woken me up, I would've helped you with breakfast."

"You know it's okay. I'm not the best cook, but I can run fast enough to get us pastries," he chuckled, referring to the plate of croissants laying on the table. "I made some tea."

"Thank you," you kissed him again, smiling into his lips. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Stop stealing my lines," he affectionately whispered against your mouth, his fingers in your hair.

The pair of you settled around the table, Steve pouring you a cup of hot black tea, and upon picking a croissant from the pile you were agreeably met with a warm surface, meaning that the pastries had probably been put to sale straight out of the oven and were freshly baked.

"Excited?" you asked your boyfriend as the two of you savoured your breakfast, the thought of what was to come next at the front of your mind.

"Yes. Very," he confessed with a grin. "I can't believe... Well, I don't know. I've never considered having a pet."

"Sam has brilliant ideas," you asserted wholeheartedly. "Is he coming with us?"

"Yes, and Natasha is coming too. She said that I was almost a cool modern-day grandpa now," the Captain quoted. "I guess it means I'm making progress?"

"You are. I hope you know that we're all proud of you, Steve." You said sincerely, looking him the eyes.

"I wouldn't have made it without you."

But the truth was that Steve was inspiring all of you daily, may it be you, Sam or Natasha, and you, too, wouldn't have made it without him. He was a lot more than he thought he was. Far beyond Captain America, the boy from Brooklyn's big heart was rubbing off on everyone around him.

After breakfast, the time came to meet up with Sam and Natasha before driving to the rescue animal center. Having first been Steve's friend then partner, you knew them very well, the Falcon and Black Widow also becoming some of your closest friends after all the time you spent together. Actually, they had been (sometimes overly) helpful and enthusiastic about your relationship with Steve, encouraging you to give it a chance and take the plunge. The least that could be was that it worked!

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