"Cold Medicine" Pt. 5

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- Monday

     I laid in bed as I was sick with a cold. My nose was stuffed up, throat sore, head pounding, I looked like a wreck. I shuffled out of bed, having to catch my balance when I got up too fast and became dizzy.

     After stumbling over to the kitchen, I opened my medicine cabinet, desperate for my sickness to get somewhat better. I searched through the bottles, not able to find what I needed.

      I let out an annoyed sigh and turned around. I began to head out the door, grabbing my wallet on the way out and made my way to the store.

       The drive was short, maybe 5 minutes or less to my local store. I quickly hopped out of my car after parking and went inside, immediately my eyes scanned for the medicine isle. As soon as I saw it, I rushed over- probably looking like a weirdo.

      Honestly, I didn't even know what I was here to get- anything, anything that said it helped a cold. I stared at everything over and over with no luck. I groaned in annoyance.

      "Tarjei, hey!"

      My head turned towards the direction where I heard someone say my name. I was greeted by a smiley Henrik, who looked great as always; meanwhile I was here looking like I just got ran over by a car.

      "Oh... Henrik, hi." I said, my voice raspy and I let out a little cough at the end.

       His smile faltered slightly, but not for long. "Are you sick?"

       I nodded, looking at the medicine then back to him. "Cold. Any recommendations?"

      He chuckled a bit and turned to face the medicine. I watched as he searched and soon leaned forward to grab a bottle that read "Cold Medicine" in bold letters.

      How did I not see that?! Could I get any more stupid?!

       I managed a small smile as he handed me the bottle and mouthed a quick "Thanks", which he nodded in return.

       We stood there for a few quiet seconds before he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked around. "Well, I hope you feel better, Tar. Get some rest, okay?"

       I gulped, I didn't really want him to leave just yet. Who am I kidding? Why would anyone want to be around me right now in the state that I am, especially Henrik. He works all the time and is overall a pretty busy guy, I can't get him sick. "Y-Yeah, okay."

      He smiled once more and turned around, leaving me alone in the isle. I stood there, thinking through everything that just happened before checking out and heading back home after buying my cold medicine.

-2 hours later

I had pretty much been in bed all day after taking my medicine. For the last couple hours I've been laying down, watching YouTube and blowing my nose- leaving a pile of used tissues on my nightstand. I know, ew.

My eyes began to grow tired, they became slightly droopy and right when I was about to fall into a deep sleep I had been waiting for all day, the doorbell rang.

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion, I didn't invite anyone over? Maybe it was my parents and just forget to call? I groaned and kicked the blankets off of my body as the doorbell continued ringing.

Still half asleep, I opened the door with a sigh. My heart nearly stopped when I saw Henrik.

He raised his eyebrows at me, "Sorry for not texting. I just wanted to give you this." He said in a quiet tone, probably because I looked like a mess.

I looked down, seeing a bowl of chicken soup in his hands, which was surprisingly still steaming hot. It honestly smelled so good.

Meeting his eyes again, I smiled a bit. "Wanna come in?"

He beamed and nodded. I opened the door more so he could come in and set the bowl down. "Nice place, I haven't been here in awhile."

"Thanks, and thanks for the soup too." I said and shut the door, walking over to where he was.

"How's that medicine doing for you?"

"Uh.. I think it's working? Not sure, I can barely breath and I've probably used 100 tissues by now, so."

He laughed, even though i wasn't kidding. He took the lid off of the bowl and set it down on the table where we both sat down shortly afterwards.

"You made this?" I asked, a small smirk on my lips as I looked up at him.

He nodded, "Yeah. It finished right before I came, so it should be pretty fresh."

I got my spoon and began to eat. I could already tell it was making a difference. "You're gonna get sick being around me."

He shook his head, "I've got a strong immune system, but you? You're weak."

I scoffed, pretending to be offended and kicked him under the table. "Shut up, I'm not weak."

"Yeah? Maybe not, but you do get so defensive!" He said, clearly teasing me at this point, making me roll my eyes in response.

He scrolled through his phone as i ate the soup, which I finished pretty fast because I hadn't eaten much all day.

"Wow, someones hungry."

I felt slightly embarrassed, but just brushed it off with a laugh. "Hard not to be when you make stuff like this.

He stood up which confused me, was he leaving already? "Feel free to ask for it anytime, I'd gladly make it for you."

Ignoring his comment, I stood up as well. "Are you already leaving?" My voice was blunt and straightforward, maybe a hint of disappointment, which caused him to look at me a little stumped.

He stared back at me for a couple seconds, "I don't want to bother you if you're not feeling well."

"You're not bothering me."

He held back a smile, still in shock at my words. The tension between us only grew, and if I wasn't as sick as I was I probably would've kissed him right then and there. Wait- what?!

It looked as if he really didn't know what to say, so I spoke instead. "Just stay, if you want-..."

He nodded and we both stood there just looking like idiots not knowing what to do.

"Movie?" He asked.

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