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" Guys move faster , we have our flight at four and its three thirty now " jihyo unnie shouted from the living room , that unnie of ours doesn't  really need a microphone or a megaphone . I move quickly as I put my hoodie and pull chaeyoung from  the bed with her eyes half closed .

" Come on chaeng wake up , just go back to sleep after we left " i whispered to her ,  careful not to hear by our members . Well  this cub beside me has a secret and she asks me for a help , she's not coming with us in japan cause she has some sort of schedule for our freaking upcoming album . But she don't want to tell our members about that cause they might postponed this vacation thinking that it would be unfair to chaeng that the eight of us are having our time of our life on the festival while chaeng is working her ass off for our album . That is exactly what I'm thinking , its really unfair for chaeng and I'm sure the rest of our members too. Chaeng is a selfless person , it may not look like her but she really is , maybe we our the maknae of our group but chaeng always thinks for the benefit of  us , her members.She is way mature than my other unnies. What the fans and other people saw  on cam or on the shows that we got in was not the half of personality ,  character and attitude of son chaeyoung  off cam.

Actually the coffee shop that the  two members of Got7 sunbaenim , me and chaeng owned are her idea , she's also the one who talk to JYPnim to let us build the cafe, and it was her , who's really hands on  on the cafe . Currently we're putting another branch to be build in the middle of Hongdae  and its also one of the reasons why she have to stay , she will be  meeting the Engineer and Architect that will work on it, actually it supposed to be  her and jackson oppa but unfortunately Got7 are on their tour right now . Even if I want to help chaeng I cant , my members might know  and knowing chaeng , she won't definitely let me .

I snap back on my thoughts when I heard the car engine starts  , we're all in the van now , manager oppa on the driver seat beside him is manager unnie  , I'm on the first row with chaeng on my right and sana unnie on my left leaning her head on the window . I don't know the seats order of my other members at the back but I'm sure they are all sleeping like the two girls beside me and I think I should take a nap too while we're on our way .


" I'm going , take care end enjoy . " chaeyoung whispered at me  , we're staying here at the airport lounge cause  our flight got delayed for freaking twenty minutes .

" Finish that five songs and follow us chaeng " I told her ,She stood up eyeing me and manager oppa , she have to go cause five minutes left before our flight and she cant stay here . Good thing our members weren't fully awake to notice that chaeng is leaving , after a minute we heard the announcer calling for our flight number .

" I'm leaving yedeura , don't give your manager unnie a headache, behave yourselves and jihyo help your unnie in taking care of your sisters " manager oppa said , jihyo unnie give him a nod while her eyes half closed . Manager oppa is not going with us since he have to look for chaeyoung , I don't know but its actually the assistant manager who supposed to go with us if we have an individual schedule but chaeyoung has our manager  oppa in her side and manager unnie with us only , even  the assistant managers are staying here in Korea.

The plane is not yet taking off but my sisters are already on a deep slumber and that's a good thing cause they didn't notice that chaeng is not with us , perks of having a lot of members . I am sitting with jihyo unnie ; jeongyeon unnie , momo unnie and dahyun are seated together on the middle , mina unnie and sana unnie on the right side and manager unnie is seated with nayeon unnie . 

Since the plane is not yet taking off I can  still use my phone  , chaeng send me message saying,

'I know that the unnies will call me once they knew later that I'm not with you so tell them not to try  to call nor text me while your in japan cause I'm turning  off  my phone for three days , I don't want a destruction .'

I typed a message for her , ' arraso , just tell me the details about your meeting with the engineer and architect when we get home '  and press the send button.

I'm about to close my eyes when I noticed sana and mina unnie talking to each other , they were a little bit loud. If I'm not mistaken they're talking about the festival that we're attending , we're not going there to perform but to enjoy ourselves so its a little bit different cause we usually go there to do a performance . I'm ready to close my eyes again as I hug minjung above my chest when I heard chaeng's name uttered by someone .

" Where's chaeyoungie ?" I stiffened for a second , nobody answer her since the rest of my members are sleeping even manager unnie , mina unnie just shrugged her shoulders at sana unnie .

Sana unnie stood up but took her sit again as the plane shakes a little bit , I think we experience turbulence . But its not the cause of my heart beating so fast right now , I am expecting them to notice that chaeng wasn't with us when we landed but guess whats happening right now . The unnie beside me woke up because of sana unnie's loud voice , even the rest of my members , its only manager unnie who's still sleeping because of the headphone placed on her ear she can't probably can't hear a thing .

" Wae , Wae ?" jihyo unnie asks , " Jihyo yah , chaeyoung is not here " sana unnie replied

" What the fudge sana yah , you woke us because you conclude that chaeng is not here ? did you already  look at the rest room jeez ?" nayeon unnie said and go back to sleep  ,

" not yet " sana unnie stood up go towards the restroom , ' unnie there is no chaeng there , she's probably sleeping her ass off on her bed right now '

" Yedeura , there's no chaeng in there "  sana said . Of course unnie cause she's on our dorm

" Maybe she's wondering around the  economy class, you know that kid  she always do that . Go ask the flight attendant to look for her ." jihyo unnie beside me suddenly spoke , since our seat is near at the door me and jihyo unnie heard sana and the flight attendant talking .

" Uhm miss , I'm looking for my member chaeyoungie . Can you help me look for her ?" sana unnie ask the girl in uniform

" I'm afraid Ma'am but I haven't seen anyone pass through this door since this plane took off " the flight attendant politely said , sana unnie's forehead creased of confusion. " what did she mean ?" jihyo unnie whispered in me , i just shrugged as a response . 

"We're supposed to be ten here but look we'e ....hana-dul...........ahop"  sana unnie exclaimed ,  jihyo unnie was startled by sana unnie , she stood up  and  join to talk  to the flight attendant unnie.

Seutyueodiseu unnie look taken a back a little but  composed herself immediately , " Ma'am  I want to inform you that I'm also the one who's taking care of the list of all the passengers of this flight and I'm one hundred percent sure that its only the nine of you here ma'am who booked a first class flight on this plane . " she politely explained , 

" What!?" jeongyeon unnie shouted , confusion is written on the faces of my members so I decided to wake manager unnie up 

I walk towards her seat technically nayeon wasn't here cause all of them bombarding the seutyueodiseu unnie a lot of question . I gently removed the headphone of manager unnie and tap her shoulder to wake her up , after a few seconds she finally open her eyes 

" Wae ?" she looks confused , " unnie  look my unnies out there " i point my members still talking with the flight attendant , i then explained to her what happened earlier and she gave me a shook face.

" They didn't know that chaeng wasn't going with us " she ask as she massage her temple

" unfortunately " I replied shortly , " Oh my god!" she exclaimed then walk towards my unnies direction . 



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