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"Secretary Cha what is this visit all about?'' I asked the middle aged man on his black suite sitting on the shotgun seat beside the driver. We are on our way to the JYP entertainment Japan Branch; it's eleven in the morning. I am scheduled to visit our company's branch here in japan for some god Jihyo knows what reason. JYP Entertainment Japan and Thailand Inc. was both establish in 2009, it was the year when I lost the three most important in my life .It was the year when my life starts to change, the year when Son Chaeyoung was born.

I'm back from my thoughts when secretary cha starts to speak, "It was the CEO who supposed to attend the meeting with the representatives of the departments and since he's on the vacation I will be the representative of him. As for you Lady Chaeng, you will be staying at Jinyoung Sajangnim's office monitoring the whole meeting, if you want to say something I can deliver it for you .There will be an ear piece attach in my ear, by the way we will be talking about the preparations for your debut here in japan .One week after the release of your special album in Korea, we will be announcing your debut here Lady Chaeng ''

I let out a big sigh, our schedule is really full packed on this year .Let's not forget our second tour on Thailand on April, thank god cause my members got to have their vacations before the load of schedules and sorts of everything .

'You made a good decision Chaeng '

"Lady Chaeng, Mr. Jang your manager asks me if you could make a call or send a message to your members .They giving your manager a hard time , they keep on asking and asking your whereabouts'' secretary Cha suddenly speak on the shotgun seat .

"Told him I'll take care of that, I will call them before we go to the concert '' I replied

Earlier this morning, I was about to have my breakfast at the hotel's restaurant but apparently I bump into my members at the elevator good thing I'm wearing a mask and a bucket hat .Resulting on me having my breakfast on my room cause I can't just go there and be seen by my members, I can't let that happen .I'm not yet ready to tell my members that I'm the CEO's niece and will be the soon to be CEO of JYP entertainment. I know I'm lying to my members, not only to them but to the world also but I have my reasons.



"So why didn't you bring chaeyoung with you oppa? '' Dahyun asked

It's been four days since we left Korea and came here to attend a festival and spend our vacation, It's been four days too since we last saw chaeyoung and I really miss her I mean we miss her. All of us already miss her, we've been together for how many years and this is the first time that we go somewhere without one of us since our debut.

"Uhm, she has to stay there for the polishing of the song tracks for your next album as you guys have to do the recording for it next week. I came here with secretary Cha and he told me that they will be talking about your debut here in japan" Manager Oppa explained as he sips through his coffee .The four of us; Me, Tzuyu, Dahyun and Jihyo are here at the living area of our room with manager oppa. Sana and Momo were going to meet their parents in a restaurant, Nayeon unnie and Jeongyeon unnie decided to come, manager unnie is with them. We're waiting for them to arrive and we are good to go for the GOT7's concert. I was startled earlier this morning when I saw manager oppa sleeping at the couch, I was looking for Chaeng but he said she couldn't make it .It's a little bit sad of course.

"Debut?!" Jihyo exclaimed, putting her phone on the side table beside the couch. We always thought it will take many years before we can debut in my country; I'm shocked and happy at the same time. To debut in my country has always been my dream, thinking that our debut in Korea is not that successful. Boy groups are taking over the whole Kpop Industry right now, to debut in a different country beside Korea is an advantage for us.

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