chapter 14

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"Hello, Sarah" I can hear Brendon much better now. "Hello" I repeat trying to stay quiet, the girl a few booths away is now reading. My headache has gone down a bit, thankfully.

"So, name one friend of mine that is not in the band" he says stating what he had just messaged me. "I couldn't tell you, I have only met you once. Though, I have heard you fancy the band Fall Out Boy." I smile thinking of those four people. "No I mean real friends. Someone normal." I let out a small laugh "normal, huh? Okay then I guess you got me. I just assumed that Brendon urie would have tons of friends." There is a short pause "nope. I have people who are fake friends or, as I would call F-O-B my occupational friends." I nod taking it all in. I suppose that would make sense. He speaks again "See I have no idea who i can trust, hints the the reason why I don't have a girlfriend. Everyone wants money." Before I can speak he goes on "I'm kind of glad that you didn't call me right away, instead your friend did.". Glad? "Oh." Is all I could think up to say "not meaning that to sound rude, just most girls would have called over and over until I answered. Just because I'm Brendon Urie." Thankful that he has cleared that up I respond. "I was contemplating on not calling you at all to be honest." immediately I am kicking myself for that snobby sounding comment. "Well" he let's out a forced chuckle "I'm sure you are regretting that thought now, seeing how amazing I am and what you would have missed out on." I could tell he was smirking as he shot back. "Oh, yes I am just so lucky that you decided to call me. My life would probably never had been complete." He laughs for real this time. For a minute there is no talking, I can hear him breathing so he is still there. "We should hang out sometime." He suggests finally breaking the comfortable silence. "Hang out?" I question making sure I heard right. "Yea like grab a bite to eat or something." Already I am nodding to myself, though I keep cool as i speak "yeah. If I am not too busy sometime. Like when?" I could almost hear him pondering. "You don't sound busy now." I feel my eyes widen. "No, actually I'm not but you sound busy. Didn't you just say you were at an airport?" I blurt. "Yeah, on a quick flight back home. I should land in a little over an hour." I look out the window realising it was beginning to grow dark. I pull my phone from my ear checking the time. "Brendon it is nearly eight. It will be ten before we get to do anything" I'm sure I sound old but I love to cuddle in bed and read until I fall asleep which is usually around nine. "Is that a problem?" He asks his voice gone of all spark. "No, I suppose not." I can tell he was smiling as he explains where to meet him and at what time. I tell him I will be there, click off and leave what I owe as well as a tip on the table. I stride out the door with more confidence than I arrived with and suddenly ready to take on anything that stands in my way.


I felt like leaving this on bit of a more happy note.

I am the kind of person who enjoys realistic fanfics so to me them already spending time together is moving a bit quickly but, oh well I was asked to move it quicker for a friend so i hope you guys don't mind the fast pace.


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