chapter 10

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A/N thanks so much for nearly 100 views, it may not seem like much but to me it means a lot! I also want to let everyone know that my punctuation is off a ways so please excuse me on that for I am still learning where to put semicolons and such. If you see me making a mistake please tell me! It won't hurt my feelings I am only learning and how is it I learn when nobody tells me what I am doing wrong. I will be taking a school class on all of this soon so hopeful your brains wont be screaming as you read this much longer! ^.^


The breakfast table is where I sit eating upon some breakfast flakes and milk. Actually, I am not exactly eating them; just pushing them around in my bowl is all. It all felt real last night in my dream. I heave a sigh and scoot the bowl away from me allowing room to lay my head on the table. "Are you okay?" Linda asks I nod my head the best I can without having to sit up. "I think I think I should head home." I mumble into the wood. There is no reply so I peek one eye over my arm. "Whyyyy?" I hate when she uses her whiny voice. "Because" I start, annoyed "I have a headache and I just want to sleep. You can text me or something". I begin to rise from my chair but her words seem to press the pause on my actions. "What if he calls back?" What of he did? Would we even answer? Now, this is a tough spot we are in because it is Brendon Urie and not to answer would not be very intelligent. Though, what would I even say? My life is boring i feed alley cats for a living and he gets up on stage in front of thousands of fans. There is quite the difference. Even if he did call it would probably just be out of pity because I had fallen and made a complete mess of myself in front of him. Linda is staring at me waiting for my reply. "Fine, I will stay" she grins "if he doesn't call back in three hours I am leaving, Linda." She nods understanding. "Let's watch Dr.Who, yeah?" I smile and nod. Linda and I have been busy with watching  each season and currently we are on the Fourth doctor, we had gone back to the beginning as we wait for the newest to come out.

I follow her into the main room and have a sit on the lounge next to her. She clicks the telly on and its already where we had been last time, it had only been a few days since I was here last.

To be honest the fourth doctor would probably have to be my favourite and I'm thankful he was one of the longest lived doctors. I glance to Linda to see she is staring at her phone. "Linda, staring it down won't make him call. He is a famous man I will be surprised if does call back at all." She takes my words into consideration and sits the phone to her side focusing her attention back to my favourite doctor.


This is just a small filler chapter. I'm curious, if you were in Sarah's position would you call him, Maybe tell everyone you have his number, wait for him to call you, block his number? I can't imagine such a glorious thing happening so I am not sure how to write the next couple of chapters.


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