chapter 16

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*Brendon's POV*

I am sitting at Sam's Snacks in a pretty well known airport across from the girl I have only met once before. Not only have I only met her once but when we did meet for the first time, she stumbled and fell right in front of me. To make it all sound worst she actually paid to meet me. Odd predicament, yes.

So far all that has happened is I have talked for the last five minutes trying to get this girl, Sarah, to laugh or show some kind of emotion other than this deer in the headlights look. Honestly I am thinking of ways to get out of this. I have been through some rough dates in my time where I have had to ditch, though I would not exactly call this a date. "Is there a time that you need to get going?" I ask hoping it wouldn't be awkward and she would actually have an answer to this question. It takes her a minute but she shakes her head and seems a bit angry. I'm brought back by this new face. She actually looks like a human not some kind of robot. "No, actually. My dad is at a meeting"  she stops though keeps her mouth open like she was going to say something else. Nothing came out so she shut it again and glanced about the area maybe thinking of something to say. "Oh. Well maybe we can go grab a bite to eat then? I'm starving." I grab at my growling stomach.

This is one of the reasons I hate being who I am, one I am too nice to tell her I am not having a good time and two if I ditched her it would probably end up all over the internet.

As we walked out to her car I thought of the day I moved to the big city. I was in the third grade and terrified of talking to people. My teacher picked up quick on my shyness and tried daily to get me out of my shell. Unfortunately, she was an idiot. She did some of the worst stuff like when she signed me up for debate team which required me to stand in front of almost the whole school and prove my point. Anyways, finally she told my music teacher because she was the only one I would actually have a full discussion with; so, my music teacher took matters into her own hands and had the class gather around on the rainbow carpet. Instead of making me the center of attention I sat legs crossed along with the other children. She asked each of us one by one to laugh for her, we all of course found it hard to laugh without something being funny and soon enough we were all laughing and giggling at each others fake laughs. Somehow it brought me out of my funk and even though I found it funny in the third grade maybe it could work some magic on Sarah.

"Hey, Sarah" I say once we are in the car and have figured out were we are going. "Hmm?" is all she says as she drives forward into hard traffic. "Can you laugh for me?" I ask sounding ,I'm sure, awkward. "Laugh?" She repeats eyeing me then back to the road. "Yeah, just laugh". I am not going to lie Sarah is stunning. She has medium length jet black hair pale skin and brick red lipstick smoothed over her thick lips that frame her pearl white teeth perfectly. To be honest she reminds me a lot of Katy Perry. The only thing Sarah is lacking is personality, I'm hoping this isn't how she always acts. "Ha ha" she says dryly looking to me again. "No like a real laugh" , she tries again "ho ho ho" I laugh at her awful attempt. "You do it then" she snaps. I do as told and try my best, which sounds like a dying whale. Shocked at how bad mine was we both begin laughing. Okay, so Sarah can smile.


Woah, new chapter in a different point of view. This was quite cheesy, sorry. Any thoughts on Brendon's POV? Should I do that more often yay, ney?


Oh, and don't mind that I changed the cover so far into the story. It is not the best but it is the only thing I could manage to make.

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