Will I Stay Or Will I Go?

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Hello everyone. I am back. I'm so happy to be able to write again, you have no idea how much this killed me. I hate to say it but I went through a little writers depression from not having wattpad to complete my day. Over the 2 weeks I was gone I got a boyfriend named Dallas. He's so sweet and kind, I wish you guys could meet him. This weekend we plan on going canoeing together...with friends but yeah. Well enough of my boring love life and now to the story. I tallied the votes and 10 to 0 wanted a new update. Let me warn you, this is the second to last. Yes this is the second to last update, I have made up my mind and this is the second to last update for Titan Academy.

  And this is when you guys grab your swords and kill me but please dont! Because! I have good news! Titan Academy will have a second book! Its name will not be released, just incase someone gets a funny idea and takes it. But yeah, there will be a second book to this one and you guys will love it. I am certain of it. This chapter will all be about the decision Levi makes, will he stay or will he go? Ooooo! Magical and somewhat spoilers!



  It's been two years since Eren's snatch, and so far everything has been going quite well...for him actually. I've been stressing over something that Eren has been neglecting for to long now. His father, Grisha is planning something terrifying. There reason I know this is because he called me after his mother got word of our relationship. He was furious, he called me and told me everything and threatened to harm Eren if I wasn't out of the picture. I cant help but worry about him, what will his father do and when will it happen?

Erwin and I switched rooms at the Academy for the last year and I was able to spend every living moment with Eren that was possible. I love Eren too much to let him go but...I might have to. I've been searching for a job with the government and I saw the the FBI are looking for someone with athletic abilities and a strong mind. I happen to have both of those, so...I sent in my resimay. A few weeks afterwards I got a phone call from them telling me that they looked through my records and they approved me.

  But...I would have to...disappear. From the face of the earth and...Eren. I want to keep Eren safe from his father, that's why I chose this job. So I could protect Eren, but to do that I would have to disappear from him. I don't want to do that but I want to keep him safe even more, so I talked with Hanji on the matter.


"Hanji, there's something I need to ask you." I said sitting down next to her. She looked up with a smile from her book and nodded,"Sure Levi! I'm always here to listen." I took in a deep breath and said,"I want to know if I'm doing the right thing. Eren's father is planning on hurting him if I don't leave him. But I don't want to leave him but I'm scared for his well being."

Hanji's face slowly faded into worry,"Levi! Why haven't you said anything!?" She yelled. I jumped from her anger and said,"Becuase! I was worried! And! I'm probably going to have to leave Eren for good!" Hanji's eyes widened as she tried to comprehend what I had just said,"What do you mean leave Eren for good?!" I took in a deep breath and said,"I sent in my info to the FBI. I was looking for a job with the government and well they were looking. And a couple days ago I got a call saying they would love to have me."

  Hanji didn't look happy,"But you two are perfect for each other! What do you think will happen if you just leave without a single say so in the whole ordeal? How do you even plan on leaving without breaking his heart?" I looked down at the floor and gave a sad smile,"They want me to fake my own death. That way Eren will think I'm dead and didn't just leave him." Hanji covered her mouth in disbelief,"Levi! You cant! You mustn't! It would kill him!"

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