Chapter 1

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[No one's POV]

It's the first day of the university life and Chaeyoung as well as Jeongyeon are very excited for it.

"Tzuyu-ah! Faster!" Jeongyeon urged for the 6th time.

"You seriously need to chill man." Tzuyu said lowly and Jeongyeon chuckled.

"I just can't wait for the uni life to start. I always wonder how does it feels like to be in uni but now, I feel like it's a dream." Jeongyeon said and smiling like a idiot.

"Me too. I just can't believe that I've made it so far and already about to start my uni life." Chaeyoung said.

"Whatever. Let's just go." Tzuyu said and they left the house.

They then walked to the uni together and when they reached, they felt all eyes on them.

"Why are all the eyes on us?" Chaeyoung whispered as they froze on the entrance.

"I think we are too handsome." Jeongyeon whispered and Tzuyu just start walking.

The other two just followed behind Tzuyu while checking out every single girls while flirting with them.

They then went to the office and get the keys for their lockers and their timetable.

God bless them and they are in the same class.

They then went to their locker and kept their often used things and the books in the locker.

But for Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung, they just literally threw the whole bag into the locker.

After that, they heard some boys screaming some compliments.

They look at the entrance of the hallway and saw the three goddess walking down the hallway like a professional model walking the catwalk.

Tzuyu is not interested in them so he turned to Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung who have their mouth open.

Tzuyu followed Chaeyoung's gaze and saw him looking at a girl with high ponytail and bangs down.

After that, Tzuyu followed Jeongyeon's gaze and saw him checking out a girl with her black straight hair down as well as her bangs.

Tzuyu then look at the third girl who have her blonde hair down while her fringe down.

All of them doesn't look like Korean so Tzuyu assumed that they are from Japan since they kind of have the anime cute girl face.

The girls walked pass and saw the three boys.

Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon revealed their charming smile and give them a wave.

The other two girls with bangs smiled to them and left while the another girl is staring at Tzuyu.

"Sana." Mina called and Sana got her senses back.

Sana then looked down before following up with the other two girls.

They then left to the office and the screaming died down.

"Damn... She's hot..." Chaeyoung said and while shaking his head, eyes still glued on the office's door.

"Yeah... She's cute..." Jeongyeon said while doing the same actions.

"God... You guys..." Tzuyu mumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Ya, Chou Tzuyu. We aren't like you. Seeing a hottie in front of you yet you have no reaction... Are you gay?" Jeongyeon asked and Tzuyu glared at him.

"I am definitely not gay and I'm just not interested in getting into relationship that's why." Tzuyu said and left.

The other two boys then followed him and they reached the cafeteria.

They then went to buy food for their hungry stomach before going to class.

But as they are enjoying their meal, the screaming of compliments is back.

Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon immediately looked towards the entrance of the cafeteria and saw the three goddess again.

The three girls went to buy some food before going to find for seats.

But as there is a lot of people, they didn't manage to find a seat and partially is also because their vision is blocked by many people taller than them.

But then suddenly, someone pulled Momo's hand and reached the three boys table.

Momo look at the guy who pull her and saw Jeongyeon smiling to her.

"You can have our seat." Jeongyeon said and Chaeyoung stood up immediately.

"Yeah... We are pretty much done with our meal." Chaeyoung said and smiled at Mina.

Due to the intense stare Momo and Mina received from Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon, they looked down and blushed slightly.

Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon took their trays and give up their seat to Momo and Mina.

"Thanks." Mina said and smiled back to Chaeyoung, sending him mini heart attack.

Tzuyu then finished his meal and stood up too, giving his seat to Sana.

A guy came and was about to sit down but Tzuyu pushed him away.

"Can't you see there's a girl waiting for this seat?" Tzuyu asked and the guy bowed.

He then left and Sana bowed to Tzuyu to show her gratitude before sitting down.

"By the way, my name is Son Chaeyoung, he is Yoo Jeongyeon and this is Chou Tzuyu." Chaeyoung introduced while pointing at Jeongyeon and Tzuyu.

"I'm Hirai Momo, she's Myoui Mina and she's Minatozaki Sana." Momo said while pointing at Mina and Sana.

""Nice to meet you guys." Jeongyeon said and shook hands with them.

Chaeyoung then did the same and then, the two boys look at Tzuyu.

"What?" Tzuyu asked lowly.

"Shake hands, rude." Chaeyoung whispered.

Tzuyu then sighed lowly before shaking hands with the girls.

"Enjoy your meal. We will head off now." Jeongyeon said and they left.

They went to return their trays before exiting the cafeteria.

"Wow... Momo's voice sounds so cute." Jeongyeon said.

"And Mina freaking smiled to me. Oh my gosh. It's gonna be the death of me." Chaeyoung said.

They walked behind Tzuyu while keep talking about Momo and Mina.

Tzuyu who didn't even want to bother them, just keep walking and went into the class.

The three boys sat at the last row while leaving the seat beside them empty.

Just before the teacher came in, the three goddess entered the class and Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon's eyes widened.

The three girls looked around for empty seats and their eyes fell on the three boys.

Jeongyeon motioned Momo to sit beside him which she gladly walked towards the empty seat and put her bag down.

Chaeyoung signaled Mina to sit beside him and she smiled while walking towards him, giving Chaeyoung a hard time to breathe because she is just so breathtaking beautiful.

Meanwhile for Sana, she timidly walked towards Tzuyu and tapped his shoulder with her index finger lightly as he buried his face into his bag.

"Erm... Can I sit here?" Sana asked.

"Whatever." Tzuyu said and Sana put her bag on the seat.

Chaeyoung is chatting with Mina random topics while Jeongyeon is telling lame jokes to Momo, causing her to laugh.

And Sana is just sitting there, watching them enjoying but her partner doesn't even talk to her.

She sigh and took out her book to read while waiting for the teacher to come.


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