Chapter 9

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The next day

[Tzuyu's POV]

When I reached school, I put my bag in the class, went to eat first before I go to my locker and take some things for the lesson later.

While I was taking something from my locker, I heard some whistles and compliment.

"Damn... Bro, she's hot." A guy said to me and I look at the entrance of the hallway to see Sana!

But she's kinda different from the previous Sana.

I mean Sana don't wear revealing crop top, black shorts. (A/n: Forgot to say that in uni, they don't wear uniform.)

She normally wear dresses.

But damn, she's really very hot.

Her hair is dyed to black colour (A/n: What is love era.)

I then realize she's actually not alone.

There's a guy beside her and I have never seen him before.

'Who the hell is this guy? Why is he so close with Sana?' I thought while eyeing their every action.

When Sana walked pass me, she look at me and I look back.

But then, she just break the eye contact and walked away.

I decided to go to the class first as lesson is starting in a few minutes time.

When I saw Sana and the guy entering the class, they are actually laughing so happily.

'I wish I can be in his position and be the one that make you smile like this...' I thought.

I thought that Sana is going to come back to her original seat beside me to sit but in the end, she went to find other two vacant seats and she sit beside the guy.

I clenched my fists as I hold my jealousy in.

'Fuck this... This doesn't feel good... Now I finally know how she feel when she saw me talking to those bitches...' I thought.

Just then, the teacher came in and got the unknown guy to go up and introduced himself.

"Hi, my name is Clinton. I'm new here so please have patience with me." He said. (A/n: Used random name.)

'Clinton? Is he a Caucasian?' I thought.

"Thank you Clinton." The teacher said and he went back to his seat.

When teacher announced that we have a pair work to do and must finish it before the lesson ends, the first one I thought of is Sana.

But I saw her already partnering up with that Clinton guy.

"Mr. Chou, do you have a partner?" The teacher asked and I shook my head.

"Do you want to join anyone else?" Teacher asked and I looked around.

I know that Mina and Momo is still mad at me so finding Chaeyoung or Jeongyeon will not be useful.

And Sana, she doesn't even bother to look at me just for a second after we made eye contact at the hallway.

"It's okay... I'll do it on my own." I said and start doing it.

Luckily these are just like some research work and it is pair work because one person will be searching while another person will have to write down.

I managed to complete it on time and hand it up to teacher.

"Thank you." The teacher said and I went back to my table.

"I just got a copy here from Mr. Chou. Others, please faster. If you're a pair and you're slower than him, you must not be listening to my lesson." The teacher said.

Since there's still a long time, I decided to take a short nap first before the bell rings, signaling that lesson is over.

When it after school, I saw Sana coming out of the toilet.

I dragged her to a place where there is not a single soul and she forcefully released my grip on her wrist.

"What do you still want?" Sana asked.

"Look, I know I'm too harsh in the past. And I'm sorry... If you want me to do anything, I will do it." I said.

"Now that you realize you're harsh in the past?" Sana asked.

"I'm very sorry, Sana... Really... I don't mean to hurt you. It's just... I'm still blind in my own past with Nayeon..." I said.

"That is your problem now. Not mine." Sana said.

"By the way, how did you know that Clinton guy?" I asked.

"It's none of your business." Sana said.

"Is he your new boyfriend?" I asked.

"So what if he is? And so what if he is not? It's none of your business anymore." Sana said, kind of annoyed.

"Just answer me, is he your boyfriend?" I asked and Sana sighed frustratingly.

"Oh my god, Chou Tzuyu, why are you asking so much? Remember, we have already break up. This is now your happy life, why do you want to care about mine?" Sana said.

"I just want to know." I said softly.

"And please, don't ever use this kind of tone and talk to me. It just make me feel disgusted." Sana said.

"Sana, how come you changed so much?" I asked.

"That's because, 1 heartbreak is enough. If girls get fooled once, say them not knowing anything. If girls get fooled twice, means they are dumb. I won't got fooled again by you, Chou Tzuyu." Sana said and was about to walk away but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

I pulled her closer by the waist and she tried to push me away.

"Let me go, Chou Tzuyu." Sana said and pushed me back but I hold her hand.

"Sana... Please don't be so cold to me..." I said.

"It's too late." Sana said and she pushed me away.

She then walked away while I sighed.

'I wish I could tell you my feelings for you earlier but... My mouth just can't utter out anything... But yet, you just tell me your feelings like a piece of cake...' I thought.

"If I have cherish you, you won't be in other guy's embrace. If I have cherish you, we can be so happy together. If I have cherish you, you and I will not hurt so much..." I mumbled.

I then stayed there for a while more before deciding to go back home.


And so, Sana is back! See what will happen next. 😏
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