Chapter 7 (Day 3)

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[No one's POV]

Today, Sana went to Tzuyu's house and her ankle felt better.

Actually, her mum helped her to massaged her swollen ankle and it did improve the situation a lot.

Sana went to Tzuyu's house and waited for him outside.

Whatever that happen yesterday still hurts her a lot but decided to let it go.

"Today is the last day... Please... Don't make it the last." Sana mumbled.

Tzuyu then came out of the house and throw his bag to Sana.

Sana picked it up from the floor and they start walking to school.

Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon left very early in the morning to see their penguin baby and raccoon babe.

When they reached, Tzuyu told Sana that she doesn't have to buy breakfast for him.

Sana then went to the cafeteria and bought a drink.


"Ah!" Sana yelled turned back to see Dahyun laughing at her.

"You should have seen your reaction. It's so funny!" Dahyun laughed out loud.

"I hate you. Go away." Sana said and pushed Dahyun away.

"Hey! Okay, I'm sorry." Dahyun said, catching up with Sana.

"By the way, is your ankle better now?" Dahyun asked and Sana nodded.

"Thank you for sending me back home yesterday." Sana said and Dahyun smiled.

"Your welcome." Dahyun said and they walked back to Sana's class.

"Go back to your class now. Lesson is about to start soon." Sana said and Dahyun nodded.

"Later cutie." Dahyun said and winked to Sana before leaving.

Sana went back in the class and read her book until the teacher come.

When the teacher came, lesson starts and Sana just focus on the lesson.

When the lesson ended, Dahyun came to find for Sana but Sana have already went back home.

"So fast?" Dahyun mumbled.

He then saw Tzuyu leaving the school with a piece of paper in his hand.

He didn't mind much and decided to went back home.

At night

Dahyun went to one of his friend's club and wanted to go to party.

He then went to the bar and order drink.

"Brandy." Dahyun said and a bartender pour the wine into a cup.

As he was drinking, he heard some girls flirting.

He looked behind and saw the girls touching a guy's chest to his abdomen.

Since the people on the dance floor is blocking his face, Dahyun didn't mind much and continue to drink.

When he finished a few cups of Brandy, he wanted to go to the toilet and he turned back to the guy earlier.

Dahyun then saw his face and widened his eyes.

"Chou Tzuyu?" Dahyun mumbled and quickly fished out his phone.

Dahyun texted Sana and told her to come to the club.

As Sana reached, Dahyun bring Sana in.

Sana then saw the girls touching and flirting Tzuyu while Tzuyu is drinking.

"Chou Tzuyu!" Sana shouted, catching some attention.

But because the music is too loud, people assume that she is just shouting because of the loud music.

Tzuyu look up and saw Sana looking at him.

"Why are you here?" Tzuyu asked while continue to drink.

"Don't ask me. I wanted to you why are you here." Sana said but Tzuyu keep drinking.

Sana then dragged Tzuyu out of the club and they went to an alley.

"Why are you here?" Sana asked.

"Can't you tell I'm drinking?" Tzuyu asked and rolled his eyes.

"Drinking or playing with those girls?" Sana asked.

"Both. Why?" Tzuyu said and Sana slapped him.

Tzuyu glared at Sana who's tears is already flowing down like a broken tap.

"I've been tolerating you. Over and over again, hoping that after some time, you will accept me and fall for me like how I fall for you. But nope. You treat me like a maid, I'm fine. You talk shits about me in front of me, I don't care. But you don't just hurt my feelings once. It is already thousand of times Chou Tzuyu! How many times do you want to hurt my heart?! I know it's not easy for you to get over her but please... If you never try to let others enter your world, it will be like this forever. I just hope that you could care for me like what I do and love me like what I did. Even if you can't love me back, at least treat me like a human. I know that you set those rules previously is to restrict me from getting close to you. But all the rules you set, makes me a maid! I'm not your fucking maid! I'm your girlfriend! But yet my boyfriend doesn't even want to care about me!" Sana yelled. (A/n: Sorry for the cursing.)

"If you don't like me, tell me... If you don't want to be together with me, tell me... If you find me annoying and want me to stay away from you, tell me... Why do you have to hurt my heart like this?" Sana said softly and started sobbing.

"I always imagine that my first love will be wonderful and feels like a dream. But turns out to be a nightmare. I regretted loving you, liking you and even noticing you. I wished I've never noticed you so that I won't like you and after time passed turned to love." Sana said and took a deep breath.

"It's time for your favourite moment." Sana said and Tzuyu just stared at her emotionlessly.

"Let's break up." Sana said.

"Sure. Since that's what I wanted and you requested." Tzuyu said and left.

Sana then kneel down on the floor while crying out loud.

Dahyun came out from the club and saw Sana crying while kneeling on the floor.

"Don't cry..." Dahyun said and side hugged Sana.

He pushed her face gently towards his chest and Sana cried in his chest.

"You're free... Don't cry... He doesn't deserve your tears." Dahyun comforted while caressing her hair softly.

After minutes of crying, Sana finally calmed down and Dahyun sent her home.

And from that moment onwards, Sana have changed.


Day 3 is up and finally, Sana's suffering have ended!
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