Chapter 5 (Day 1)

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[Sana's POV]

Today I do the usual things I should do.

Carry his bag and walk with him to school, buy his breakfast and put his bag into the classroom.

After that, I went back to the cafeteria and bought a sandwich.

I went to the rooftop and look at the sky.

I even remembered that he claim that we are official here.

Now come to think of it, maybe having a crush on him will be better than being together with him because it just hurts so bad...

Every time, he never even be sweet or caring to me.

I'm just like his maid or slave, able to let him command here and there to do everything.

While I was eating the sandwich, I feel someone behind me.

I looked behind and saw Dahyun.

"Hi, cutie." Dahyun said and come to me.

"Hey." I said and he smiled.

He sat beside me and looked at me.

"So, what is it that is breaking your precious heart again? Chou Tzuyu?" Dahyun asked and I looked down.

"You shouldn't have dated him." Dahyun added and I nodded.

"I do regret now." I said.

"But you can break up with him now." Dahyun said.

"I've decided, three more days." I said and I looked at the confused Dahyun.

"What do you mean?" Dahyun asked.

"After the three days, if he still treat me like this, I will leave him. I don't want to suffer anymore." I said and Dahyun smiled.

"Glad that you have this thinking. He isn't very good except for someone." Dahyun said.

"Who is that someone?" I asked.

Dahyun was about to say something when the bell ring, signaling that we have to go for class.

"I will tell you next time." Dahyun said and smiled.

"Okay then. See you." I said.

"Later, cutie." Dahyun said and left.

I then quickly finished my sandwich and start going back to the class.

*time skip to after lesson*

I took Tzuyu's bag and walked back home with him.

Tzuyu is on his phone, texting someone while smiling.

'I have never seen your smile before. At least I've seen it even though I'm not the reason behind it.' I thought and sighed.

I wanted to ask Tzuyu who is he texting to but he will say that I have no rights to interfere his private life.

He don't even willing to share anything with me.

At this rate, any loving couple will also break up.

And don't even have to say about us.

While being together with Tzuyu, I only feel that it's one-sided love.

I love him but he doesn't even have a bit of feelings for me.

Even though I'm quite dumb at sometimes, but I still can tell and feel that he doesn't even want to be my boyfriend.

When we reached in front of his house, he just took his bag and went in the house.

The pain... Well, I'm used to it.

After experiencing this pain for more than a month, I'm used to it.

So what if he's my first love?

I'm a human and after this long time, I will naturally get numb to the pain.

I then left and went back home to see my parents.

"So how's your boyfriend?" Mum asked and I forced a smile.

"He is treating me good." I said and mum smiled.

"Good. Bring him back to let me and your dad see. We will see if he is suitable for you or not." Mum said and I nodded.

After that, I went back to my room and start doing my homework.

When I finished, my mum called me down for dinner.

I then went down for dinner.

After that dinner, I went back to my room and took a bath.

I quickly dried my hair before going to sleep.

The next day [Day 1]

I quickly left the house and went to Tzuyu's house.

I do the same thing and I put his bag in the class first before I went to the cafeteria to buy his breakfast.

I went to buy sushi for Tzuyu before going back to the table and give him.

"I'm very hungry and do you think sushi will be enough to fill my stomach?" Tzuyu said and I went to buy noodles.

After that, I went back to the table and give him.

"This noodles doesn't really taste good. Just buy something else." Tzuyu said.

'Is he trying to make things difficult for me?' I thought and bit my inner cheeks to hold my tears.

[Tzuyu's POV]

"This noodles doesn't really taste good. Just buy something else." I said and turned my attention back to my phone.

After that, I felt someone kicking my leg.

I looked down and saw Chaeyoung kicking my leg.

"Can't you just tell her to buy what for you?" Momo said.

"Just buy fried rice then." I said and Sana left.

"You do know that you're wasting her money? She is using her allowance to buy food for you." Mina said and I rolled my eyes.

I didn't bother to answer them so I continue using my phone.

After a while later, Sana came back with a plate of fried rice on her hand.

She give it to me and I start to eat.

After I'm finished with the fried rice, I eat some of the sushi and the noodles before standing up.

"There's some leftover. If you want, finish it. If you don't want, just clear it away for me." I said to her before leaving the cafeteria.

[Sana's POV]

"There's some leftover. If you want, finish it. If you don't want, just clear it away for me." Tzuyu said and left the cafeteria.

"Sana, don't eat it." Jeongyeon said.

"It's okay... Don't waste food." I said and eat the leftover.

Every bite I eat adds the pain in my heart.

I feel everyone's gaze on me while I'm eating the leftovers.

After I finished the leftovers, I cleared the plates and went to the rooftop.

"Found you here." Dahyun said and I looked behind.

"Hey cutie. I saw the scene earlier. What a scumbag." Dahyun said and shook his head.

"It's okay..." I said and smiled to him.

"I wished you to leave him as soon as possible. Maybe he will just stay loyal to her." Dahyun said.

"Who is that her?" I asked.

"Her name is Im Nayeon. She is Tzuyu's ex. They known each other about 4 years ago and they started dating. Tzuyu love her a lot but then, at last year, a car accident happened and she's died. Tzuyu still can't get over her that's why he is so cold to you." Dahyun said.


The one at the cemetery is revealed. And yes, it is Nayeon. (Sorry bunny 😩)
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