Chapter 13

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[Tzuyu's POV]

I heard that Mr. and Mrs. Minatozaki have made a police report.

Which means Sana is still nowhere to be found.

I went to school and looked around, hoping that I can see her around.

But she's nowhere to be found.

I've never stop trying to call her but the call is always declined.

I tried calling her again but then it is still declined.

Until I suddenly received a message and it says:

Want to know where is she? Come to a house at the xx street. Be there at 4pm or else you will see her ashes scattered in the air.

I tried calling that number but then it is already unavailable.

It is a prepaid SIM card.

I cursed under my breath and heard the bell ring.

I then went for lesson but I couldn't even focus.

Someone got Sana and what the text says earlier means that it's a life-threatening kidnap.

The sender didn't requested anything from me and all the sender want is just to meet.

I guess all of this is coming after me.

'Wait... Clinton...' I thought and tried to look for him.

But I didn't see him around.

When the lesson ended, I look at my watch and saw that it's almost 3:50pm.

I quickly run out of school and went to the venue that he sent.

When I reached outside of the house, it's almost 4.

I went in quietly and I heard some slap sounds.

"I hate you!" A voice that sounds like Sana shouted and another slap came in.

"Shut it!" A deep voice shouted.

I slowly walked to the room nearby and peeped in to see Clinton and Sana.

I stood outside there and listened to their conversation.

I quickly texted the police number and ask for police assistance.

"I want you to remember me whenever he's in you." Clinton said.

When I saw Clinton unbuckling his belt, I saw Sana squirming on the chair, I quietly make my way closer to him.

Clinton start inching closer to Sana and just as he was about to kiss Sana, I went up and pull him apart.

I punched him and he managed to escaped through my punches.

"Sana, can you stand up?" I asked and tried to help her stand but she pulled me back.

"I can't. There is bomb under this chair. Once I stand up, the timer will start counting down and no way can stop this timer." Sana said and I glared at Clinton.

He then smirked to me and took out a controller.

"I will send you guys up to heaven together. Isn't it good? Once I press this button, there will 75 cm thick metal wall made of titanium. Everything that happen here will stay here. Nobody will know about what happen here." Clinton said and pressed the button.

"Since I can't have her, then you can't have her too." Clinton said and escaped through the small hole under the shutting metal walls.

I then heard some beep sounds.

"There is no use Sana... The timer have started." I said and Sana stood up.

"Quick, Tzuyu-ah... We have to get out of here!" Sana exclaimed.

"Sana... I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you from this maniac... But I got to say that I love you... A lot..." I said and Sana cupped my cheeks.

"There is still chance Tzuyu-ah... We can get out of here together safely..." Sana said and start looking around for exit.

I looked up and saw a hole in the ceiling.

"Wait... Sana... You can climb down from there." I said and point at the hole.

"How?" Sana asked while looking at the hole.

"I will carry you and you will climb up to the roof. Slide down the roof to get to the ground, you heard me?" I said and cupped her cheeks.

"Wait... You mean to leave you alone? I can't do that." Sana said.

"Sana... Please... Maybe this is our fate, only one of us will survive... So please... Don't stay up there once you are out." I said.

"No... I can't leave you alone here..." Sana said, eyes welling up and voice started cracking.

"It's okay Sana... I'm sorry I can't marry you... But in my heart, I've already treat you as my wife since the night you gave me your most precious thing on your body." I said and wiped her escaped tears.

"I love you..." I said and smiled.

"Please Tzuyu-ah..." Sana said.

I kissed her lips one last time and kissed her forehead.

After that, I smiled to her and carried her.

"Wait! Tzuyu!" Sana exclaimed and I pushed her up.

"Tzuyu, pass me your hand!" Sana exclaimed as she stretched out her hand.

"Go down Sana." I said and she shook her head initially but I keep staring at her and she was left no choice but to go down.

"My last day..." I said.

[No one's POV]

When the place exploded, a loud thud can be heard from outside.

"Tzuyu-ah!" Sana shouted as soon as she heard the loud thud.

Clinton was arrested as before he was about to leave the scene, the police arrived and arrested him.

Once the explosion are cleared, the officer gets the button from Clinton's hand and press it.

The metal walls in the house start closing up and the police officers went in to check.

Sana also rushed in to look for Tzuyu's body.

"Tzuyu! Tzuyu-ah, where are you?" Sana asked.

Everything in the house is very damaged and almost everything has been exploded into ashes.

Sana was crying while looking for Tzuyu's body.

A police officer then took away a metal piece to see Tzuyu.

He is lying in a rectangular hole with the metal piece coving him.

"Urgh... This feels so bad..." Tzuyu groaned and Sana's ears perked up upon hearing Tzuyu's voice.

Tzuyu slowly sit up and stand up.

"Tzuyu, are you okay?" Sana asked and touched Tzuyu's arm.

"Ah!" Tzuyu hissed in pain.

"What's wrong?" Sana asked.

"I think my arm got dislocated because of the explosion. The force just blow me to the wall and I felt my thigh being stabbed by something." Tzuyu said and Sana look at his thigh before widening her eyes.

She gasped out loud and looked at Tzuyu worriedly.

"Let's go get treated." Sana said and helped Tzuyu walk to the medic.


It's coming to the end! Stay tune!
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