Chapter 4

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[Sana's POV]

Once the next day arrives, I went to Tzuyu's house and waited for him outside.

Once he come out from his house, I took his bag and we started walking to school along with Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon.

Once we reached, I went to the class and put the bags first before going to the cafeteria to have my breakfast.

While I was eating peacefully, suddenly, a guy sat down in front of me.

"Hey gorgeous. I heard you're together with Chou Tzuyu." He said and I nodded.

"Well, nice to meet you! My name is Kim Dahyun." He introduced. (A/n: DUBU IS HERE!!!)

"Nice to meet you too. My name is-" Dahyun then interrupted me.

"Minatozaki Sana, I know." He said and flash his charming smile.

I then smiled back and continue eating.

"By the way, where's he? I thought he should be with you." Dahyun said and I shrugged.

"I don't know. But I'm starving." I said and he chuckled.

"Now I know that your boyfriend isn't really important to you in your heart." Dahyun said.

"Aniya! Tzuyu is of course important but food is important in everyone's lives." I said and continue eating.

"You're such a cutie. Have Tzuyu ever say this to you?" Dahyun asked and I shook my head.

"Heh... Cold... It's okay, I will say it to you then." Dahyun said and I smiled.

Dahyun and I just sit there and chat while I'm eating.

Once I finished eating, he put my tray back for me even though I insisted.

He walked me back to class and I thanked him for accompanying me.

"Your welcome, cutie. Anyways, this is my phone number. Just call me if you need some people to for accompanying you." Dahyun said and I nodded.

"See you." I said.

"Later, cutie." He said and left.

I then went in the class and save Dahyun's phone number before I lose the paper.

I took out my book and start reading until I feel like going to the toilet.

I put my book on the table before exiting the classroom.

I then went to the toilet and do my business before going back to class.

While I'm on my way back to class, I saw Tzuyu and some girls talking.

Or more like, flirting.

I hide at the side and eavesdropped their conversation.

"Oooo... Tzuyu, you're so man." Girl 1 said.

"Yeah... I can't believe you managed to fight 3 guys and still win." Girl 2 said.

"You're not just handsome but also, manly." Girl 3 followed.

"Well, if you girls have faced any problems, you can feel free to find for me. I will definitely help you out." Tzuyu said.

"Oh my god! Tzuyu, you're totally our ideal type." Girl 2 exclaimed.

I listened while peeping at them and saw the girls touching Tzuyu randomly.

What's worse is Tzuyu didn't even bother to shake their hands off.

I couldn't take it anymore so I stormed out and stood behind the 3 girls.

"Ehem! Who are you to touch my boyfriend?" I asked and the girls turned behind to look at me.

"Oh, he is your boyfriend? Sorry I didn't know." Girl 3 said.

"That's because you guys don't even act like one." Girl 1 said.

"Well, at least Tzuyu is talking to us normally, unlike talking to you. Can't you tell he is literally commanding you?" Girl 2 said.

"Girls, enough. Just go back to your classes." Tzuyu said and the girls left.

"What is all of this, Tzuyu-ah?" I asked.

"Talking to them. What do you want?" Tzuyu asked.

"With them touching you? And you don't even care?" I asked.

"Well, at least they didn't touch places they shouldn't touch." Tzuyu said.

"Why are you so different when it comes to other girls? Why can't you just treat me right for once?" I asked.

"Treat you right? Am I not treating you right?" Tzuyu asked.

"For other girls, you can chat or talk to them normally. But me, you never talk, you command." I said.

"Really? I didn't know." He said.

"And whenever I touch your hand, HAND ONLY, you will find every chance to shake my hand off." I said.

"I don't like it if people are touching my hand." Tzuyu said.

"Nice excuse. The previous girls touched your hand, biceps and chest. Doesn't seems that you shake their hands off." I said.

"That's totally the different thing Sana." He said.

"It is the same thing. Are you trying to imply that they are girls but I'm a plague? That's why I can't touch you?" I asked.

"Well, it's up to you whatever you want to think. There's nothing I can say if you want to think this way." Tzuyu said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Why can't we just be like normal couple for once? That's what I only hope for right now." I said and he scoffed.

"Normal couple? Well, I got to say sorry because it's hard for me. If you want, imagine it or dream it. If you wish that it will happen in real life, then it's impossible." Tzuyu said and was about to leave but I stopped him.

"Why not you treat me like the other girls? Can't you just chat or talk to me normally?" I asked.

"Oh my god, Sana, just shut your mouth and go back to the class and read your goddamn book. Just stop interfering my private life." Tzuyu said and left.

I then let my tears flow free.

'Why Tzuyu? I just wish to go into your life, know about your past and be a normal and good girlfriend for you. Why can't you just allow me to enter your life?' I thought and cried out loud.

"Crying because of him?" A voice asked and I know it's Dahyun.

"Let me send you back to class." Dahyun said and he sent me back to class.

I laid my head on the table while staring into blank space.

'Three more days...' I thought and closed my eyes to rest for a while.


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