Chapter 2

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[Sana's POV]

Once the teacher have arrived, I tapped on Tzuyu's shoulder to wake him up.

The lesson then started and teacher give us free time to talk to each other so that we will know more about each other.

Tzuyu didn't talk as he is looking out of the window.

"Erm... Nice to meet you, Tzuyu-ssi." I started.

He just stared at me before turning his gaze back outside.

"Erm... I think you're a foreigner right?" I asked.

He didn't reply or look at me as he continue to stare outside.

I sighed mentally and decided to stop trying.

'Maybe he is just still not familiar with the new environment.' I thought.

I then took out my book and continue reading until teacher stop the conversing time.

"Now, since we have already know each other, let's get the lesson started as we test each other." The teacher said and we nodded.

*time skip to lesson end*

While walking to the cafeteria along with Mina and Momo, we saw the three boys talking while taking their things at their locker.

Momo and Mina keep saying how Chaeyoung or Jeongyeon entertained them while during the lesson or they are feeling tired.

I envy them but at the same time, I feel something different about them.

But I just don't know what is it.

But there's definitely 1 things I know and that is,


I always try not to squeal when I saw him but now, I can't hold it anymore.

He is just like those typical anime that guys are hot, handsome yet cold.

I just love how he look when he swipe up his hair or when he is staring at something else.

He just look so handsome and so perfect in every single angle.

[No one's POV]

The days of Tzuyu not talking to Sana counts on but Sana didn't give up.

She admits that she slowly develop a crush for Tzuyu but Tzuyu never realize it.

Momo and Mina told Sana that they like Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung.

Sana advises to them to take things slowly because they just know the boys for only a few days, about a week.

Sana didn't tell them that she develop a crush for Tzuyu as she wants to get her feelings confirmed before telling them.

Chaeyoung couldn't take it anymore and confessed to Mina which she gladly accepted it.

Both of them agreed to take things slowly and of course, their friends are happy for them.

Sana look towards Tzuyu's direction and saw him looking down on the floor.

Inside her mind, she is wondering if Tzuyu isn't happy because Chaeyoung and Mina are together so she went to ask Jeongyeon about this.

"Tzuyu? He is always like this. Just get used to his cold personality. And don't ever freak out if he happen to check out on you. It is nothing normal for him to do that so just ignore him." Chaeyoung said

"Really? Thank you then." Sana said and left.

From days turned to weeks and Tzuyu is still ignoring Sana.

Sana's crush have grown from mere crush to major crush.

Or on the other words, like.

Sana started to like Tzuyu but Tzuyu totally felt nothing.

She made it quite obvious that once she saw Tzuyu, she would squeal like normal girls do or like his fans.

But Tzuyu never get the hints.

Jeongyeon and Momo are also together and all of them are trying to ship Tzuyu with Sana.

Tzuyu never really talks to Sana unless he needs help in his academic.

Sana planned to tell Tzuyu how she feels for many times but she's just too shy to do so.

Moreover she's a girl.

Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung keep praising Sana for her good looks while Mina and Momo keep praising Sana for her good personality in front of Tzuyu.

But Tzuyu is never interested.

Every time, he would just turn and after that, he will go back to doing his things.

Tzuyu have told Chaeyoung about what happened in the past and Chaeyoung just want to get a new girl for Tzuyu so that he can't forget about.

But he is still very stubborn and only stick to that only 1 person.

He actually knows Sana's feelings for him because she's so obvious, moreover, she is just sitting beside him.

Tzuyu wanted to avoid Sana but Sana always stick around with his friends since Momo and Mina are together with the other two boys.

They didn't know anything about Tzuyu's past except for Chaeyoung.

Wanted to unfroze a cold fucking heart isn't that simple.

Tzuyu blocked every single people that communicate with him so that the wall will be able to contriving .

Until today, Sana have decided for a very long time and decided to confess.

"Tzuyu-ah... I like you... Not as a friend..." Sana said.

Tzuyu just stared at Sana before looking at his phone.

"Come on Tzuyu...  Get her before someone else got. If there's someone stealing her away from you, don't you ever come to us, regretting." Chaeyoung said.

"You know she's a hottie and she a cutie sexy pie. Many people will snatch for her and fight to be together with her because I mean, why not?" Jeongyeon said and shrugged.

She is legit a full package.

Tzuyu keep thinking and thinking and was about to say no but Jeongyeon said Tzuyu will consider.

Tzuyu instantly glared at Jeongyeon who is smiling like a idiot.

"Really? I have a chance?" Sana asked again to confirm.

Tzuyu hesitatingly nodded and Sana cheered.

"But I want to make this clear, I will not really accept you." Tzuyu said and Sana nodded.

"It's okay. At least I have a chance." Sana said.

"If you're done thinking, call me then. I will definitely be more than happy to be there." Sana said and left while hopping happily.

Tzuyu shook his head and glared at Jeongyeon 1 last time before heading back home.


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