Chapter 11

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[No one's POV]

Sana noticed that Tzuyu start leaning in while eyeing on her lips.

Sana then placed her index finger on Tzuyu's chest, stopping him from leaning closer.

"I'm sorry..." Tzuyu said and was about to walk away but Sana stopped him.

"The dance have not finished yet. You can't leave me here." Sana said and Tzuyu turned around.

He then hold her hand and dragged her to the bar.

Tzuyu then hold Sana close to him and their face are just inches away.

"W-What are you d-doing, Tzuyu..." Sana mumbled while stuttering.

"It's so hard for me to hold myself not to claim your lips." Tzuyu said and Sana blushed.

"What are you saying? Clinton might- hmph!"Sana hummed in surprised as she felt Tzuyu's lips on hers.

Sana froze at her place while eyes are widely opened.

Tzuyu just keep eating Sana's lips and slowly, Sana closed her eyes and start to respond back to Tzuyu's kiss.

They then got carried away, not minding the surrounding.

Just as Tzuyu was about to move to Sana's neck, Sana stopped him.

"Wait, Tzuyu..." Sana said and slight pushed Tzuyu away by his shoulders.

"Now what again? You dislike it?" Tzuyu asked.

"Too many people." Sana said and Tzuyu smirked.

"Then let's go to somewhere where no one will know what we do." Tzuyu said and dragged Sana away.

They then left the party venue and went to a hotel nearby.

Once they checked in, Tzuyu immediately dragged Sana up to the hotel room.

Tzuyu opened the room door and carried Sana in by the bridal style.

He close the door with his leg and throw Sana on the queen sized bed.

Tzuyu took off his tuxedo and vest as well as his tie before topping Sana.

"You're really driving me nuts... Even your scent is making me lose my mind." Tzuyu said while unbuttoning his white shirt.

Sana just stared at his well builded body.

Tzuyu then leaned in and kissed Sana passionately.

Sana circled her arms around Tzuyu's neck and both of them are moving in sync while their tongues are fighting for dominance.

Sana eventually give up and Tzuyu explored Sana's mouth.

When Tzuyu finished exploring Sana's mouth, he break the kiss for them to gasp some air.

After that, Tzuyu moved down and slowly licked Sana's neck.

Tzuyu kissed all around Sana's neck, trying to find for her sensitive spot.

He eventually did and he sucked the sensitive spot.

He then left a hickey there and smirked.

"Perfect." Tzuyu said and start going lower.

He slowly take off Sana's dress and unclasped Sana's bra.

He cupped her breasts and fondled it gently.

He then give each of her nipples equal attention before going down to her clothed private part.

"Oh gosh... You're so wet..." Tzuyu said as he noticed her panties are wet because of her juices.

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