Chapter 12

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[Tzuyu's POV]

The next morning, I woke up first and saw Sana beside me.

I smiled and caressed her hair.

Sana then wake up and saw me beside her.

She covered her exposed chest with the blanket and rest her back on the headboard.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning." She said and I leaned in to pecked her cheek.

"I'll go wash up first." Sana said and was about to stand up but she groaned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's all because of you! Now I'm so sore down there right now!" Sana exclaimed and I laughed.

"You can't blame me... You also can't hold yourself." I said.

"If you just let me cum, I won't be feeling so sore down there and now I can't even feel my legs!" Sana exclaimed and I stood up.

I wore my boxer and went to her.

I carried her and she yelped as the blanket escaped from her hands, uncovering her naked glory.

"You know... I'm still hungry..." I said and eyed on her body.

"D-Don't you ever think about it again! I'm still sore and there's no way we are going for another round." Sana said.

"But your pussy looks so tempting... I just want to eat you up." I said and she smacked my chest loudly.

"Pervert." Sana said and I laughed.

I then carried her to the bathroom and she start washing up.

After that, she wanted to take a bath so she chase me out of the bathroom.

I then waited for her to be done at the bed and what happen last night flashed back to my mind.

I smiled at the thought that she finally let me get close to her.

I look at my phone and saw that time is not early anymore.

I then went to the bathroom and opened the door.

"Ya! What are you doing?!" Sana exclaimed.

"Joining you." I said and went in.

I slide down my boxer and went in the shower.

"Ya, why are you so close to me?" Sana asked while trying to escape from my backhug.

"Why? Is it bad?" I asked.

"The shower is so wide and you choose to lean so close to me." Sana said.

"Or you're scared that you might get turn on because my friend is just on your ass?" I asked and Sana kept silence.

I saw her ears turning red and I smirked.

"So it's true." I said and my naughty hand went to her dripping clit with her wet pubic hair touching my fingers.

"T-Tzuyu.... Don't..." Sana slightly moaned and it turned on my friend.

"Gosh, you're so sexy." I said and turned her around.

I pinned her against the wall and start kissing her passionately before moving down to her wet pussy.

And then, there's another round of sex.

As we come out from the bathroom, I helped Sana walk as she seems like she have quite some difficulty walking.

"Why can't you just control your hormones? If not I will be able to walk more properly." Sana complained.

"Stop complaining like you don't like it. You remember how loud you scream my name last night and earlier when you squirt?" I asked and she blushed.

She quickly wore her dress and took her purse before leaving the room in a hurry with her wobbly legs.

I quickly wore the pants and the white buttoned up suit before running out, following Sana.

I then went to check out and I sent Sana home.

When we reached Sana's house, her dad immediately come to me and grabbed my collar.

"How dare you come back here? And why the hell are you with my daughter?" Mr. Minatozaki asked.

"I sent her home since we happens to attend the same party." I said.

"Really?" Mr. Minatozaki asked and I nodded.

"Is it true Sana?" He asked Sana and Sana nodded.

He then released my collar and went to Sana.

"Why didn't you call us? Me and your mum are worried sick." Mr. Minatozaki said to Sana.

"I'm fine, dad and mum..." Sana said and smiled.

"Wait... Is that a hickey?" Sana's mum asked and point at a red spot.

"What did you do, Minatozaki Sana?!" Mr. Minatozaki exclaimed.

"It's not her fault! It's my fault. I shouldn't have do that to her." I explained but Mr. Minatozaki come forward and punched me in my face.

"Do you know that she is a complete virgin? Now how are you going to be responsible?" Mr. Minatozaki asked.

"Once we ended our university, I will definitely marry Sana. No matter what." I said and he punched me again.

"You what?!" A voice shouted as he dragged me up by the collar.

"Clinton..." Sana said.

"I will marry Sana once our university ends..." I said.

"How dare you take advantage of her?! No wonder I couldn't even find her last night!" Clinton said angrily and harshly punched me on my stomach.

"I did not take advantage of her. We both did it willingly." I said and he punched my stomach again.

"Clinton... Please stop..." Sana said and hold him further away from me.

Clinton then sighed loudly in frustration before leaving.

"What if your feelings for her changed? Then you will refuse to marry her and that still means that you took advantage of her." Mr. Minatozaki said.

"I promise I won't." I said.

"Leave. I don't want to see you." Mrs. Minatozaki said and I bowed before leaving.

I then quickly changed my clothes and went to school.

The school lesson is usual as per normal but when the next day arrives, I did not see Sana around.

However, Clinton is in school.

I went to him and asked where is Sana but he say that he don't know.

I frowned and decided to go to the Minatozaki's to check.

"Sana has been home since last morning. I don't know where is she." Mrs. Minatozaki said.

"Did she contact you guys?" I asked but they shook their head.

'Weird... Where is she? Where have she gone to?' I thought.

"If she's still not back by today's evening, report it to the police. I will try my best to go and find her." I said and left to find for Sana around the area.

'Where are you Sana?' I thought while looking for her.


Where is Sana? Guess and comment! Stay tune to find out what happen!
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