Chapter 6 (Day 2)

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[Sana's POV]

Today, I did the same usual thing.

My ankle kinda hurts maybe because I accidentally tripped and fell yesterday on my way back home.


Right after what Dahyun told me, I walked back home while thinking.

I then remembered a news of a teenage girl getting into car accident.

I decided to walk faster back home so that I can check through the newspaper.

But clumsy me have acted up again and I fell down.

I didn't mind the pain and quickly walked back home.

When I reached home, I went to dig out all the old newspaper and start searching for it.

After searching for like 20 mins, I finally found it.

"Teenage girl died immediately on the crime scene after the car accident. Boyfriend on scene is devastated." I mumbled and read through all the details.

"So this is how she dies..." I said.

"Sana! Where are you?! Are you back home?!" Mum yelled.

"Yes! I'm home!" I yelled back and quickly tidied up the mess.

"You clumsy girl! You forgot to lock the door!" Mum yelled.

"Oops... Sorry mum!" I exclaimed and went back to my room.

*End of flashback*

I slowly limped my way to the stall as I have to go and buy Tzuyu's breakfast.

Dahyun saw me and came to me.

"Cutie, are you okay?" Dahyun asked and look at me worriedly.

"I'm fine." I said and smiled.

"You sure? You seems to be limping quite badly." Dahyun said.

"I'm fine, really." I said and Dahyun was about to say anything but I cut him off.

"Handsome, I'm really fine." I said and he sighed.

"Okay then. But if it hurts too bad, you have to go to the clinic. Or you can tell me, I will walk you there." Dahyun said and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said and he smiled.

"Anything for you, cutie." Dahyun said and left.

I then queued up and wait for my turn to buy the food.

When I'm done, I limped back to Tzuyu's table and passed him his food.

"Are you okay?" Tzuyu asked and I nodded.

'Wait... Is he caring for me?! Oh my god!' I thought and smiled.

"Sana-ya, what happen to your ankle? It's so red and swollen." Mina said.

"It's fine. I just tripped and fell yesterday while on my way back home." I said.

"You should be more careful. You're always so clumsy." Mina said.

"Have you applies medication oil?" Momo asked and I nodded.

"Good." Momo said and went back to eating with her Jeongyeon.

After that, I went back to class and prepare for lesson.

*time skip to after lesson*

I was walking to the toilet and I saw Dahyun.

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