02- The Phone Call

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Caroline stared down at her phone awaiting the phone call she desperately wanted to be good news. She had zoned out to whatever Brandon was currently saying, but he hadn't noticed because he was still ranting away about which single they needed to release next.

"Caroline? Care, have you listened to a word I said?" Brandon asked, placing his fork on the table.

"Hmm? No, I'm sorry. I've been so in my head about this call." Caroline replied, sighing. She turned her phone over and put her full attention towards him. "What were you saying?"

"Which single do you think we should release?" He asked, showing her his phone. She grabbed it and clicked through the songs she had heard a million times. Finally, she gave him the phone back.

"Rock Whichu is always gonna be my favorite for the new album." She shrugged.

"Edwin thinks we need to completely write a new one." Brandon sighed.

"Oh, like you don't have a million ideas in that sexy mind of yours?" Caroline asked, smirking at him.

"I don't know about that, but it is sexy isn't it?" Brandon laughed, running a hand through his hair.

Caroline and Brandon sat at the table outside the bistro having a casual conversation about music. It was one of the first conversations they had had in weeks that didn't end in a fight. Caroline listened to Brandon, would would glance at her phone far more often than she looked at him.

"Why don't you just call them?" Brandon said finally, noticing Caroline's mind drifting back to her phone.

"I can't! I wish I could, but I can't! This is awful." Caroline replied, throwing her face into her hands. Brandon laughed and leaned back in his seat.

"They'll call you, Care. I helped you do most that portfolio so I know for a fact that any producer would kill to have our talent." Brandon chuckled.

"What's if that's why I didn't get it? What if they've figured out you did some of the work?" Caroline asked, panic setting in her face.

"Some? Shit, I did most of it while you played piano and wrote down music notes." Brandon retorted. Caroline tossed a napkin at him and scrunched up her face before giggling.

"I hate you sometimes." She said, breathing out a laugh.

"You love-"

"Shut up!" She shouted as her phone began to ring. She quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, I'm calling for a Caroline Mclaren?" A males voice replied.

"This is she!" Caroline yelled louder than she should've. She was excited and nervous all at the same time.

"Hi, Caroline! My name is Liam Karlsson. I'm sorry it took so long to call you, but I wanted you to hear it from me that I've decided to let you be my intern." Liam said. Caroline let a smile spread across her face before she let out a squeal. It was so loud that Liam had to move the phone away from his ear. Brandon smiled and bit his lip as Caroline started to dance around in her seat.

"Oh my God! This is great! Thank you so much, Mr. Karlsson!" Caroline rambled on.

"I'm not old enough for you to call me Mister. Could you come sit in on a session on Wednesday night? I know you work the club on the weekend and have school throughout the week." He asked.

"Yes! I certainly can." Caroline chirped happily.

"Great! I'll text you the details. I look forward to meeting you in person, Caroline." Liam replied.

"Same to you. Have a good day." Caroline smiled, ending the call.

Brandon looked at her, taking in the excitement on her face. Caroline just looked at him with the biggest smile she had ever had in her life. She had never been so excited in her life. Not only did she get an internship, but she got on with the most popular producer in Los Angeles.

"I'm guessing you got it. Is Karlsson the same Karlsson as in Liam Karlsson?" Brandon asked.

"Yes! Can you believe it?!" Caroline screeched.

"That's amazing, babe! You're mom would be so proud!" Brandon cheered, getting up from his seat and going to hug her.

"I gotta tell my dad!" She yelled, letting go of him and fumbling for her phone. She seems to have a moment of clarity and slowed down for a second to look at him. "I owe you big time tonight. Thank you so much for helping me get this, Brandon! I love you so much!"

Brandon chuckled and sat back down in his seat. It was entertaining to him how scatterbrained she had got all the sudden. Brandon had never been more in love with her than in that very moment. They had worked so hard to get her that internship and he was just as excited as she was that she got it.


Here's a pic of Liam for you!

And how can I forget our man 🐝

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And how can I forget our man 🐝

And how can I forget our man 🐝

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Phases // Brandon ArreagaWhere stories live. Discover now