05- Goodbyes

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FOMO tour seemed to come out of no where. Caroline wasn't prepared for the tour and being away from Brandon for a long period of time. Their relationship was rocky already and time apart seemed to not do them any good.

"Are you sure you're okay with me leaving?" Brandon asked Caroline for the millionth time within the past hour.

"I'll be okay! Go have fun on the tour, babe!" Caroline shouted, smiling brightly at him.

"I'll make time to help you any way I can; I'm just a call away. Please get sleep and don't focus on music so much." Brandon said, mentally trying to remember every last minute thing he needed to tell her.

"Well, who does that sound like?" Auburn asked from beside Brandon. Nick giggled from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his hands on her baby bump.

"Ha-ha, very funny. Auburn, just make sure she doesn't die before I get back."  Brandon said, looking to Auburn.

"I won't let her die! I'll need a babysitter for date night." Auburn winked, followed by a giggle.

"Guy, we got to go!" Edwin shouted, walking out the house and standing outside the door. Vera stood in the doorway, gripping onto her walker with one hand while she hugged Edwin with the other.

Brandon and Nick said their final goodbyes  to Caroline and Auburn before climbing onto the tour bus. This was the first tour Auburn and Kelsey had to endure and a very pregnant Auburn wasn't handling it that well. Vera was slowly recovering and wasn't in a good place knowing her main support system and caretaker would be gone for several months. Caroline had been through the FUNKTION tour last year so she knew what to expect, and that's what scared her most.

"Who's ready to throw a party?!" Gracie shouted, walking up the driveway. She lifted up a six pack of beer and smirked. "Non alcoholic for Auburn!"

Kelsey chuckled and grabbed on of the beers. Gracie has become part of the clan even though she didn't date any of the boys. She was like the mom of the group, which is what they'd need for the next two months.

"I'd love too, but fury calls. I have to go work at the club tonight and stop by Liam's office to pick up some demos." Caroline stated, looking down at her phone.

"Not even one drink?" Gracie asked, her eyes forming into the sad puppy eyes. Caroline shook her head and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I really need to go." Caroline replied, walking towards her car. The rest of the girls went inside to do God-knows-what while the guys where away.


Liam stood at his desk holding his tablet. Caroline stood on the other side of the desk, not really sure what to expect him to do. He tossed the tablet on the desk and looked up at her.

"Brandon Arreaga. How do you know him?" He asked, his tone demanding and unkind like it had been a few nights before.

"Close friend...boyfriend....maybe soon to be ex boyfriend." Caroline stated awkwardly, diverting her eyes around the room.

"You do know he's considered a producer, right?" He asked, walking around his desk and sitting on the edge of it in front of her.


"So why the fuck would you let him help you on more that half this portfolio? Every song on here has that damn arreaga flare." Liam retorted bitterly.

"I-uh...he helped me finish some of them while I did school work." Caroline breathed out.

"I'd say more than some. You know this means I should end this internship? You're original songs lack something and I picked you because I liked Brandon's songs, that I figured out last night were his." Liam said, looking at her.

"I'm sorry! Please, do not end this internship! I'll do anything to keep it!" Caroline begged, finally making eye contact with him.

"I'm not ending it 'cause I think Shawn Mendes might swoop you up if I did. We'll remake you a bomb ass portfolio and talk about a potential job, but for now just play these demos at the club tonight if you can." Liam smirked, handing her a flash drive of songs.

"Will do, boss." Caroline smiled, taking the flash drive. "Also how'd you find out?"

"I followed you on Instagram and came across him and started listening to his stuff. He's taught you well." Liam winked, knowing good and well she got him into it first.

"Yeah, okay. I'm going to leave on that." Caroline laughed, turning on her heel to leave.

Caroline couldn't help but keep smiling as she walked out the building and too her car. She felt happy around him, even though he almost ended her career before it even started. The happiness was short lived when Brandon called. Something in her didn't want to tell him where she was, something also told her to hit ignore as she walked back into the building.

"Liam?" She asked, peaking into his office. He looked up at her, waiting for more words to follow his name. "Would you like to come to the club tonight and keep me company?"





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