Chapter 23

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*Lauren's POV *

I was just holding my little baby Jai when, who at first I thought was Luke, opening the door. But it turned out to be Niall. I had so many questions to ask him! Like how did he find me? What will he say about Jai? What he never wants to talk to me ever again.

Before I could say anything though I was taken into a bone crushing hug.

"Niall! I missed you so much! How did you get here?" I asked.

"Yeah I missed you so much too!! I'm not going to answer that question until you explain what you are doing in hospital with a new born child!" He said with no emotion, but you could see the anger in his eyes.

"I w-was really upset one day so Laura took me out to a club. I had a few drinks, one to many at least. This guy asked me to dance with him so I did and then he asked me to come back to his place. I was so drunk I had no idea what way happening so I accepted his offer and well you know stuff happened and here I am. So please don't hate me. I never thought I would see you again in my life!". I said and had now broken down into tears.

"W-what?! How could you let this happen, I thought you were better than this!" He said, now showing his anger.

"I-I'm sorry, but I had no idea what I was doing at the time I was under the influence! If you are going to act like this then just leave, it isn't healthy for me or the baby."

"Fine, be a bitch I don't need you anyway!" he said storming out of the room.

As soon as he left the room Laura came rushing in the see if everything was ok. I told her I wasn't and explained the whole thing to her.


*Laura's POV*

How could Niall be such a dick to her! She never did anything to him or anyone else. Yeah so what she had a one night stand and got pregnant. At least she wouldn't react the way he just did. Sometimes I wonder why I even like boys, I mean they can be such dicks sometimes. Except for my Lukey, he is actually one of the nicest boys I have ever met and I can call him mine.

"Don't worry, he's just a dick for not realising how special you really are." I said while rubbing her back.

"H-he's just just a dick! he doesn't understand what u have been through!" she said.


*Niall's POV*

What the hell did I just do!? I blew any chance I will ever get with Lauren. why did I have to be such a douche to her. She definitely deserves much better than me.

I had just exited the hospital and was now on the street crying actually physically crying. Yes boys do cry too. I just can be so stupid sometimes, but other times I can be happy. The only problem is that I haven't been a happy person for a very long time and don't think I will ever be one again.


I have been roaming the streets for hours now I'm sure. I actually started hearing voices in my head. 'Idiot', 'Dick', 'Stupid', 'Douche'. They just kept appearing in my head when one thought stopped me in my tracks, 'Kill yourself'.


Hey guys so how will Niall and Lauren turn out? Will Niall make it through?

Please vote, comment, Share or what ever you do!

Izzy xx

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