Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Waking up the next morning, in my own bed at home, alone, I open my eyes and lay there thinking a few minutes when I finally decide to get up. I look at my phone after pouring a cup of coffee and see a text from Angel.

A: Good morning mi amor.

L: Good morning Angel.

A: I see you're up. You hungry?

L: I just got up. Drinking my coffee.

A: Answer your door.

I look at that last text and walk towards the door and look through the peephole, seeing Angel standing there. I open the door and he kisses my lips softly as he walks in. I close the door behind him and follow him to the kitchen. "Brought Breakfast." he says. I shake my head but I'm smiling. He takes a seat at the table as I pour him a cup of coffee and refill mine. I walk back over to the table and stand next to him. I tilt his head back and kiss his lips softly and say "Thank you." He smiles and says "Let's eat." I smile and take my seat next to him and we eat in comfortable silence. After eating he says "Not that I don't love seeing this sexy look you got going on but you need more clothes for what I have planned for us." he tells me. "And what do you have planned?" I ask as I finish my coffee. "Thought we'd go for a ride and maybe go somewhere where we don't get cell service and can talk, uninterrupted." he tells me. "You planning on killing me Mr Reyes?" I ask, smirking. "Hell no. But I do plan on holding you as close to me as possible." he tells me. I get up to head to the bedroom to get dressed and he grabs my hand. "I need a kiss first mi amor." he tells me. I laugh but give him a quick kiss before heading to the bedroom to get dressed. I put on a pair of tight jeans, form fitting top that shows just the right amount of cleavage, and my riding boots. Braiding my hair down my back, I put on just a little makeup and walk out to the living room where Angel is waiting for me. "Holy shit." he says. "What?" I ask confused. "You look fucking beautiful Princesa." he says. I shake my head and say "Let's go." I tell him, my insecurities trying to take over. I head for the door and he stops me. Turning me to face him, he tilts my head up to look at him and says "You are absolutely beautiful." I look into his eyes and see nothing but sincerity. Kissing me softly, he laces our fingers together and leads me out to his bike.

We spend most of the day riding around before we pull up to this area in the desert. I get off the bike and take off my helmet and say "I thought you weren't gonna kill me?" I say laughing. Pulling me close he says "Never mi amor. Only thing I want to do to you is show you how amazing you are." he says. "Pouring it on a little thick here Reyes." I say, trying to stay out of my own head. I move to head over by the fire pit and he stops me. "Hey. Talk to me." he says. "Just trying not to get lost in my own head." I tell him. He lights the fire and sits down, pulling me between his legs. After sitting there a while, he whispers "Talk to me mi amor." I snuggle back into him and I feel a tear fall. I wipe it quickly and he tries to tilt my face up to him and I don't let him. "Hey. Don't hide from me mi amor. I'm here." he says and I still don't look at him. "Do you know how many times I replayed that last conversation with Jax? Trying to figure out what I did wrong?" I ask. "Bebita..." he starts. "No. I tried to make him happy. I tried to be what he wanted Angel. I don't know if I can be what you want." I say and I start to sob. He pulls me closer and leans down next to my ear and says "You're already everything I want." he tells me. I look up at him and he wipes my tears and kisses me softly. I deepen the kiss and move to straddle him. Our kisses get more passionate but he doesn't push me forward. I try to and he stops me. "Hey, we don't have to do anything. Especially on the ground in the middle of the desert." he says and I go to move off of his lap but he stops me. "Trust me mi amor. I want to. I really do." he says and grabs my hand to put it on his jean clad hard member. "But you deserve better than this." he says. I look into his eyes and lean forward to kiss him softly. Putting his forehead to mine, I whisper "Gracias mi dulce." Smiling softly he says "Anything you need mi amor. I'm all yours." he says. We continue to kiss and talk before heading back to my house. He walks me to the door and I ask "You want to stay?" He pulls me close and says "More than anything but I want you to see that I'm in this for more than just sex. You deserve to be treated like a queen mi amor." he tells me. I kiss him softly and say "Gracias." He kisses me one more time, passionately, before opening my door and seeing that I make it inside. "Lock the door." he tells me. I nod and do what he says before watching through the window as he makes his way back to his bike. Blowing me a kiss before he starts the bike and backs out of my driveway and heads home. I sit on my couch and think about the night we just had. Maybe he's not like Jax but I still can't let my guard down.

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