Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Waking up the next morning, we head home to get my car. Once we have the car, we head to the tunnel and walk through. Getting to the other truck, we get inside and head to the campsite. As soon as we pull up Adelita meets us. "I have her things packed but I haven't told her what's happening. I thought you'd like to do that." she tells us. "Thank you. Seriously." I tell her and she nods. "Mouse, come here mija." she says and Mouse walks over but doesn't look at us. I kneel in front of her and say "Mija, we want to talk to you about something. You know how Adelita had you pack your things?" I asks and she nods, still not looking at us. Angel kneels beside me and says "Lexi and I got married yesterday and we have papers waiting on us to sign. We want to adopt you. Do you know what that means?" he asks and she shakes her head no. "That means we want to me your mom and dad. Is that okay?" I ask. She looks up at me and looks shocked. "Mama and Papa?" she asks and I nod. She throws her arms around me and I feel a tear fall as I hug her back. She pulls away and looks at Angel. He opens his arms and she walks into them and hugs him tight. I stand and hug Adelita. "Can I speak to you a minute?" she asks and I nod. Walking over to the side, while Angel gets her into the truck with her things. "I just wanted you to know, she needs this. She watched her parents be killed in front of her. They set the house on fire and she barely made it out. But she's been closed off for a long time. She's been with me about a year and barely speaks. Don't be surprised if it takes her a while to open up." she tells me. "Thank you. We'll take care of her." I say and hug her again before heading back to the truck.

Getting into the truck, Angel asks "Everything okay?" I nod and say "Never better." We wave at Adelita before leaving the campsite and heading to the tunnel. "We have to walk through the tunnel. Don't let go of my hand okay mija?" I ask and she nods. Taking my hand, we walk through the tunnel and to my car. Once in the car, we head home. I walk in to see some of the guys and Vickie and her girls. "Her room is ready for her." Vickie says and I hug her. "Will you be her Tia?" I ask and she nods before looking at Mouse. "Mouse, this is your Tia Vickie." I tell her and she softly says "Hola." Vickie gets down to her level and says "Hola bebita. You need anything, you let me know okay?" she asks and Mouse nods. "Gracias." Mouse says and Vickie kisses the top of her head.

Everyone leaves and we show Mouse her bedroom. "This is mine?" she asks. "All yours. Our room is right there. If you need anything you come to us." we tell her, showing her where our room is. I head to the kitchen while Angel and Mouse head to the living room. I look into the living room and see Mouse snuggled into Angel's side and they are watching a movie. I see him kiss the top of her head and she snuggles closer. After dinner, we sit to watch another movie and Mouse has her head in my lap and I am snuggled into Angel's side. Running my fingers through her hair, she falls asleep. Once we see she's good and asleep, Angel picks her up and carries her to bed before we head to bed. Lying in bed, we hear a knock on the door and Angel says "Come in." She opens the door and I ask "You okay?" She shakes her head no and says "Bad dream." Angel pulls back the covers and says "Come on." She climbs into bed with us and snuggles into me. I kiss the top of her head and see Angel smiling at her snuggling with me. He puts his arms around us and we all fall asleep as a family, protecting out little girl.

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