Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Waking up the next morning, I get ready for work and put on a little makeup and leave my hair down in it's natural waves. I pull up to the scrapyard and get out of the car. Walking into the office, Chucky asks. "How was your day off?" I smile before kissing his cheek and say "It was good. Really good." I tell him. He looks at me cautiously and I say "He asked me to give him thirty days to prove he's not like Jax so I'm giving it to him. I'm not letting my guard down but I am giving him an honest chance." I tell him. "Good. I only want you happy again. I miss you being happy." he tells me. "Love you Chucky Ducky." I say. "Love you Lexi Love." he says. We get to work and I see Angel walk in to clock in. "Good Morning mi amor." he says before kissing me softly. "Yes it is baby." I say and he smiles at the smile on my face. Pulling me closer, he kisses me again and when I pull away, he grabs my hand for one more kiss. "Go to work." I say laughing. "Want to hit the diner for lunch?" he asks. "Yeah. That sounds good." I tell him. One more kiss and he heads out to work. "He's a good guy." Chucky tells me. "I'm quickly seeing that." I tell him.

A little later, Angel comes in and says "Raincheck on the diner mi amor. Have something I need to go take care of." he says and I can see he's irritated. "Um. Yeah. Okay." I say and don't look at him. He looks at me for a second and sees me closing myself off. "You want to come with me?" he asks. "That's okay. Be careful." I say. "Come on." he tells me. Chucky speaks up and says "I got the office. Go." I nod and follow Angel out to Coco's car. Him, Gilly and EZ look at him confused. "She's coming with us." They all nod and I get in the back seat between EZ and Angel. He laces his fingers with mine before tilting my chin up and kissing me softly. Once we are out of the scrapyard he says "We're going for a meeting with the rebels." he says. "Los Olvidados?" I ask. "Yeah. A woman named Adelita is their leader and we've been helping her to help get the club into a better spot and out from under Galindo." he tells me. "Oh okay." I say but still don't really look at him. Tilting my chin up again, making me look at him he says "I don't want to hide anything from you. Adelita and I were involved until you came along. She knows about you and knows there's nothing between me and her anymore but she still needs our help." he tells me. "Okay." I say. Kissing me one more time he says "You're mi reina. Never doubt that." he says and I just nod. Still not sure about this.

We pull up to some tunnels and when we get out of the car, Angel says "Stay close and don't let go of my hand." I nod and we head through the tunnel to another truck. We get inside the truck and head to a campsite. As soon as we pull up, we walk up to a woman and see a little girl close to her. Angel introduces me to her. "This is my Old Lady, Lexi. Lex, this is Adelita." he says. "Nice to meet you." I say. "You too." she says and she's actually nice. They talk for a second and I see the little girl looking at me. I walk over and ask "What's your name?" She looks down and I say "It's okay mija. I won't hurt you." She finally speaks up and says "Mouse." I smile softly and ask "How old are you Mouse?" She still doesn't look up but says "Ten." I nod and say "My name is Lexi." She doesn't respond. "It's okay Mouse. You can trust her." Adelita says and I smile at her. "Hola Lexi." she finally says. I look at Adelita and ask "How long has she been with you?" She thinks for a second and says "About a year. Her parents were killed right in front of her." she tells me. I look at Mouse and tilt her chin up to look at me. "We won't let anything happen to you okay?" I say and she nods. "Gracias." she says. I nod and she moves back behind Adelita. After the guys finish talking to Adelita, we head back to the truck and as soon as we leave the campsite, Angel says "That's the most she's spoken since we've been coming here." I lean against him and say "She's so sad. No child should be that sad." and I feel a tear fall from my eye. They all look at me and I bury my face in Angel's chest. "Talk to me bebita." Angel whispers. "I know how that feels. My dad was never there and mom was a piece of shit but still didn't make it any easier when I watched her get her brains blown out right in front of me." I tell them. "You know who did it?" Coco asks. "Jax Teller. Mom was refusing to let my sister have her son and was planning on pimping him out. She had this photography studio and when she was doing sessions, she would sell the pictures to pedefiles and would let her boyfriends touch the little ones that couldn't tell on them." I tell them. "Shit." Gilly says. "She deserved it. Trust me but it wasn't easy seeing that shit." I tell them. "Did she ever..." Angel started and I stopped him. "Until I was twelve." I tell him and he pulls me closer and just holds me.

We get back to my house and they drop me and Angel off. We walk inside and sit on the couch and he pulls me into his lap. "I'm sorry mi amor. I am so sorry you went through that shit." he tells me. "Nothing can change that it happened but I went to counseling and it helped. But seeing her that sad. Angel, that little girl..." I start. "I know. What if I get Adelita to let her come live with you?" he asks. "What?" I ask, shocked. "What if I talked Adelita into letting her live with you. You can adopt her if you want." he tells me. I pull back a little and look at him. "You're serious." I say. "You are the only one other than Adelita that she would let near her or even speak to. You know that kind of sadness bebita. Who better to help her past it." he says. "I would like that." I tell him. "But will you be okay dating someone that has a kid?" I ask. "Baby, listen to me. I belong to you. I am so head over heels for you I can't even see straight." he tells me. "Angel..." I start but he stops me. "I'm not saying we don't still do the thirty days but how about this. We get her moved in here, I'll be staying here with you, if you're okay with that, and we raise her together. Once the thirty days are up, if I convince you that I'm not like him, we get married and officially adopt her." he tells me. "Angel, I don't care about the thirty days. You're already proving to be nothing like him." I tell him. "What are you saying?" he asks. "You're gonna make me say it aren't you?" I ask. "Si mi amor." he says. Shaking my head, I say "I'm yours Angel. Completely and utterly yours." I say. Crashing his lips with mine, when we come up for air, he says "We'll go get the things for her room tomorrow and get it ready." I smile and say "We can get your things too and get them moved in. I mean if you want to." I say. "I definitely want to."

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