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Jimin placed his hands on his hips, his head shaking to either sides as he watch the failed attempts of the kids trying to kick the football into the goal. He dissapointingly sighed since almost all the kids failed; he couldn't understand why they're being so inactive and bold.

"Hey, there. Listen to me. Aim the ball first and then kick. Don't just come and kick the ball to go out the goal, kids. You have to kick the ball to go inside it you know,"

He said and caught the ball which Jinwoo, the kid who tried lastly but failed threw at him. He positioned it right at the middle and aimed his foot, finding the perfect angle and hitting it and making it inside the goal with no effort.


"Why is it so hard! I tried my best but I couldn't get it, Jimin." Huisu pouted and crossed his arms infront of his chest. Kids nodded, Jimin didn't have any answer too. He couldn't understand why is it either.

"Nuh, just do as Jimin taught us. It's not that hard if you aim correctly," Jimin turned to his back to meet with a smiling Jiya who was quitely watching her classmates trying to kick the ball into the goal.

"Can you show us please, Jiya? I think they don't get what I'm trying to say,"

Jiya nodded happily and waited till Jimin get the football and place it infront of the goal. She moved her foot, trying to find the perfect angle and kicked it, making it right into the goal receiving a loud round of applause from Jimin and her friends.

"Wow, you're amazing Jiya! I'm happy that if only a single kid was able to make it, well done!" Jimin happily exclaimed and high fived Jiya, ruffling her hair and pinching her cheeks. The kids too agreed with the sports teacher as they cheered for Jiya.

Jiya smiled widely and so did Jimin. If only anyone could see their smiles, it was so identical that someone may wonder if they're father and daughter for real. It maybe rare, but wonderful that Jimin and Jiya got their smiles similar to each other.

"Have you ever learned anything about football before, Jiya?" Jimin asked as he made other kids go and get refreshed after handing each of them a water bottle, Jiya and him continuing their little chat about football.

"Um, my Appa used to go and watch football matches with me when we were abroad. He used to explain me tactics and skills whenever some player did those." Jiya replied and Jimin was impressed again.

'Wow, her father must have a vast knowledge of sports,'

Jimin couldn't help but to get curious. Jiya was indeed talented but that talent could just be a hidden one if there wasn't any person to discover it for her.

And her father has already done it, Jimin felt a sudden happiness thinking about how Jiya's father has made her daughter stunning amongst other kids when it comes to sports.

'Why not meet him? We can probably make ourselves good friends, i guess?'

'is it bad..? no, right?'

Jiya was already the sports girl in their class and Jimin just loved the fact that Jiya was so good at sports compared to other kids in her class. Just getting let to know her father who has made Jiya like this wouldn't hurt anyone.. right?

"Oh, it's really great of your Appa! Maybe we can meet eachother sometime? I think he's as cool as his daughter,"

Jimin pinched Jiya's nose and giggled, Jiya couldn't be more happier. Her favourite teacher- yes, Jimin was already her favourite teacher just said that he wants to meet her father and it was like, her favourite persom from the whole earth with her favourite teacher.. a huge yes, yes.

"YES! HE'S EVEN COOLER THAN ME! YOU SHOULD REALLY MEET HIM JIMIN!!" Jiya shouted happily clapping her hands and jumping up and down. Jimin could feel his heart melting at the sight, he couldn't help but squeal inside.

Just like Jiya, Jimin too had this special spot inside his heart for Jiya. He didn't know why is it that though.. maybe because Jiya was so good at sports and was a lovely cute bean, or because.. maybe some things doesn't need a specific reason to make you happy.

They just make you happy.

Jimin bent down to Jiya's level and smiled at her genuinely. "How about I get his number? So we can make some arrangements, huh?"

"YES, YES!" Jiya squealed as Jimin chuckled over her excitement and took his phone out his pocket. He unlocked it and asked Jiya to tell him her father's number which Jiya gladly did, her excitement never leaving her frame.

"And.. what's his name?"

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung."


Jiya continuously watched upon the school gate to see if her father is coming. She was too excited to deliver the happy news to him and by the happy news it meant Jimin wanting to meet up with her precious father.

Jiya literally couldn't be more happier.

Her eyes traced the familiar Mercedes of her father as she immediately rose up from her seat and made it near the gate. Kids were leaving with their parents, the gate was kinda busy.

Her eyes lit up and a smiled formed on her lips after spotting Taehyung's signature boxy smile which was flashed onto her from the entrance gate. She ran to him like every other day, falling into his secured arms and taking a moment to appreciate his soothing scent.

"There you go, little princess! What happened to make you so happy today, huh?"

"Appa! how did you know that!?" Jiya expressed surprised, Taehyung just pinched her nose gently and chuckled. "I ain't called your Appa for nothing, baby. So.." Taehyung picked Jiya up in his arms and took her backpack and her water bottle in one hand, "Tell me what happened,"

Jiya giggled and hugged Taehyung's face as she pecked his cheeks. "You know my favourite teacher, Appa?"

"Um, Jimin?"

"Yeah! So, he taught us to kick the football and make it to a goal but sadly my friends couldn't understand his way and he asked me to do it and show them so I did and made it to the goal. He was so happy and later we talked alot about football and I told him how you're interested in sports and how you always teach me about random stuff about them and he was really impressed! He asked me if you and him could meet up sometime and I was so HAPPY! I couldn't help but say yes and.."


"I gave him your number- Appa I'm sorry if it's bad but he's really nice and cool and awesome and I thought you both would make great friends and that's why I gave him your number, please don't be mad at me Appa," Jiya's voice truly had the touch of regret as if she made Taehyung mad for giving Jimin his number, but when Taehyung chuckled, she knew that she hadn't done anything wrong.

"Princess, it's really okay. I would love to meet him and yes! maybe we could make great friends,"

Jiya looked at Taehyung and smiled; that genuine smile which she had only for her father. She gently caressed his cheeks and placed a soft kiss and Taehyung smiled with the equal amount of love and genuineness as they reached their car, Taehyung placing Jiya securely on the passenger seat and buckling her seat belt.

He placed Jiya's belongings on the back seats and hopped in his driving seat. They started their peaceful ride to their home, not forgetting to blast plenty of music just like every other ride they made together.

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